Give me that smooth 5
As a shorthand writer I approve of this comment.
Show me the fucking feather
#5 carried me through three degrees.
Definitely 5, so much better than 99% of other pens.
With a .07 ball. I don’t tolerate .05 or .1 heretics in my G2 superiority worldview.
What does that make me (0.38 user)?!?
Also, I think you mean 1.0, 0.7 and 0.5
I have been known to hunt all over town for a store that sells this size, back before just ordering something online was so ubiquitous. This is the best size; my letters turn into blobs with anything larger
A lawyer
I don’t have words to describe how much I would hate to use one of those. I already feel like I’m scratching the paper with the 0.5.
And…yea. You’re right. I got my decimal point in the wrong place.
I only like 1.0. I want that shit poured out.
My handwriting is borderline illegible already and I find with the 1.0 pens I just end up with blobs of ink.
I had a proffessor in college that only allowed the use of 1mm black G2s. He was ancient and claimed he could not read anything else
Might as well use a fucking crayon.
I need all the different thicknesses for different writing tasks!! 1.0 is BOLD!
My beloved
If I HAVE to use a ballpoint, it’s going to have to be a rollerball. Like the Uniball. But really, I’d take just about any fountain pen over any of them.
A Lemmy of culture I see. Love the Visconti.
Edit : Just noticed the stealth VP over on the right.
A 0.38 tip size of No.5
Pilot g2 is the way to go
Was a committed G2 guy for YEARS (ultra fine all the way). But I’m a lefty, so ink smears were still a problem (though the G2 is better than most on that front). Then I learned about the Sarasa Dry pens from Zebra. The ink dries INSTANTLY, and writes like a G2. But they’re hard to find so I always stock up when I see them.
Anyone saying anything but #7 is delulu. There’s a reason Bic won pens
I dont see any on here I would swear by.
I have taken a liking to the Pilot B2Ps, they are made of recycled water bottles, I liked them simply for the fact that they’re the one type of pen we have in abundance at the office that no one else bothers to steal for some reason.
I like the Staples TRU RED series too.
what the hell is wrong with me, a year ago I’d be obsessing over some video game or hobby and now im discussing my pen model preferences, I think I’ve crossed the proto-boomer threshold
Pilot G-2, Obviously. #5.
Pilot G2 if I must, but the real answer is a Lamy Safari.
Where the fuck are the Zebra pens
5 is the objectively correct answer here.
Yeah, no contest at all.
It’s probably the choice I would have to go with, but when I was working with full boxes a lot, I started caring more about which pens were sturdy sharp enough to stab through tape and drag through it 50 times an hour and not end up looking at the end of your pen and find out the tip ripped off. Switching to a box knife over and over slows you down a lot and I needed the pen to cross out and document what was missing from the orders. Pens with caps are a pain for that as well, waste time.
I probably should have tried to find something like this:
I used to have a need to open things a lot while on the other side of a security barrier (and metal detector.) I ended up getting a Gerber Shard to carry around on my keychain. Does most of my multitool, prying and even knife jobs without being sharp enough to get taken by TSA (or rent-a-cop or whomever.)
Damn that pen is actually super handy. My only issue I’d have is i really like having a fine tip pen I use a Pilot G2 07 black pen
#2. 100%
Number 7 100%
if it’s a true bic. knockoffs might not work very well.
I used to live quite near to one of the bic factories in France. Ahhhh I’m obsessed with Bic pens.
Ahhh Bic, where it’s 2 main products are also the most stolen products.
Windsurf boards and razor blades? Yes Bic makes those.