
I use Arch btw

  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • “I have nothing to hide” is heavily dependent upon where you live, when you live, maybe future political administrations. People 5 years ago probably thought abortion was no biggy because of Roe V Wade. Now this might be illegal depending where you live. If you’re gay, you would be executed in other countries. Some of us have the privilege of living where it’s safe (for now) to live our lives, not so much in other areas.

    Everybody should have privacy by default. People should use Signal, don’t rely on Google and other big tech services either. Google and Meta was found to be supplying location data information of people who were going to abortion clinics to the police (sauce).

  • And on Tuesday, 37 Members of Parliament signed an open letter to the Council of Europe urging legislators to reject Chat Control.

    “We explicitly warn that the obligation to systematically scan encrypted communication, whether called ‘upload-moderation’ or ‘client-side scanning,’ would not only break secure end-to-end encryption, but will to a high probability also not withstand the case law of the European Court of Justice,” the MEPs said. “Rather, such an attack would be in complete contrast to the European commitment to secure communication and digital privacy, as well as human rights in the digital space.”

    I hope to fuck this shit won’t get passed