• xploit@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    Probably the same reason the whole party is still around. It would be awesome to get a real input from someone who lives in Mexico (preferably a normal person and not a summer beach home/mansion owner who pretends to live like normal people do), but honestly don’t know how likely they are to lurk here on Lemmy…surely there is at least one among us?

    My skepticism stems mostly from the “popularity” of former president, supposedly reaching some 80%? Sounds pretty good if it’s genuinely true, but it’s eerily approaching fabled 90-100% authoritarian levels.

    • criticon@lemmy.ca
      30 days ago

      She is a puppet of the current president, she was apponted by himself

      That said, the opposition was also a woman but she was an unknown and 3 parties with different views allied to launch her as candidate

      The party is projected to have qualified majority of the Congress and maybe senate so they’ll be able to do a bunch of stuff so that may be worrying

      They have done a lot of good stuff but also they are full of corruption like cancelling a great airport that still needs to be paid and building a shitty one very far away that no one wants to use and that interferes with the operation of the other airport so it doesn’t really help with congestion

      Sheinbaum is a climate scientist so I’m curious about who she’ll appoint to the energy commission because the current government is all-in on carbon

    • zbb@lemmy.ml
      30 days ago

      Mexican here.

      As you say, Mexico is a bit divisive about her, many calling her just a mere puppet of current president López Obrador and worrying about her not doing that much when she was state governor.

      And many of her claims about feminism, ecologism, pro-Palestina positioning, are a bit weird, in respect of her former position and the little things she did in regard those.

      What worries me personally rn is that legislative power will also be at her mercy. If she wants to do any change to Constitution (as Lopez Obrador already had tried many times), little to nothing will be able to stop her. For better or for worse.