Afghan, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bahraini, Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Bruneian, Cambodian, Chinese, Cypriot, Georgian, Indian, Indonesian, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Jordanian, Kazakhstani, Kuwaiti, Kyrgyzstani, Laotian, Lebanese, Malaysian, Maldivian, Mongolian, Burmese, Nepali, North Korean, Omani, Pakistani, Palestinian, Filipino, Qatari, Russian, Saudi Arabian, Singaporean, South Korean, Sri Lankan, Syrian, Taiwanese, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Emirati, Uzbekistani, Vietnamese, Yemeni people are asians.

    1 year ago

    Basic geography to you.

    About a year ago I realized that Russia is both in Europe and Asia…. that was a realization about geography.

    Was it basic? Probably. Probably shows OP’s and my limits regarding geography knowledge.

    TLDR: dumb dumbs have realizations which can be basic knowledge to the average person.

      1 year ago

      See, your realization would actually be a good shower thought.

      OP’s post seems more like a response or reaction to something else (which we don’t have context for). Who thinks that North/South Korea, China, and Japan are the only countries in Asia? Like, specifically in the US, I think we’re all familiar with Vietnam (and the Vietnam war) along with Laos and Cambodia, the Philippines, Thailand, etc.

      I don’t mean to demean anyone not familiar with geography, but even if you don’t know the names of the countries, you’d have to know more countries exist there, which is why I think this is a weird post. It’d be like posting “The United States consists of multiple states”