Explore the Living Lands, a mysterious island filled with adventure and danger. As an envoy of Aedyr, you are sent to investigate rumors of a spreading plagu...
From the makers of kotor 2, fallout new vegas, and pillars of eternity
I don’t disagree, but there are ways to use color without making everything shiny. If everything pops, nothing does, and for me personally that just felt like a little much.
Obviously this might just be the trailer and we’ll have to wait and see what it actually looks like, but to me it feels a little like they’re trying to make up for poor texture quality by making everything 50% brighter and more saturated.
Colour is good. Wasting our 4K/HDR screens on gray and browns is a waste.
I don’t disagree, but there are ways to use color without making everything shiny. If everything pops, nothing does, and for me personally that just felt like a little much.
Obviously this might just be the trailer and we’ll have to wait and see what it actually looks like, but to me it feels a little like they’re trying to make up for poor texture quality by making everything 50% brighter and more saturated.
I think maybe I still have PTSD from the PS360 era that makes me defend it’s use so much, lol