What if Trump was really into this kind of stuff and everything he has been doing is a secret genius plan to make sure people will pee on his grave for decades, if not centuries to come?

  • Saik0A
    6 days ago

    Bush also brought the PATRIOT act to open a lot of authoritarian doors.

    What sort of history revisionism are you peddling here? The Patriot act was bipartisan. We have records of the votes. like 75% of dems approved it. And 98-1-1 in the senate… https://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/subs/detailed_vote_2001.htm

    Hell if we’re making this partisan, the republicans have a better claim that they’re trying to end it…

    In November 2019, the House approved a three-month extension of the Patriot Act which would have expired on December 15, 2019. It was included as part of a bigger stop-gap spending bill aimed at preventing government shutdown which was approved by a vote of 231–192. The vote was mostly along party lines with Democrats voting in favor and Republicans voting against. Republican opposition was largely due to the bill’s failure to include $5 billion for border security.[253]