Given the recent news about Plex soon charging for remote access, I wanted to finish up my switch to Jellyfin.
What tools/methods have you all used to migrate watch history to Jellyfin?
I have a few family members in there, and would like to get everything switched over without resetting their watch history.
pay the license costs for the codecs your using…
granted… none of us care about that. but thats what they’re doing. also developement on the software (for good and bad)
Doesn’t the player itself handle the codecs, not the Plex Media Server?
Since Plex is distributing software that can re-encode video, the codecs that comes with the software must be licensed for many of the codecs.
Here’s an article that covers some of the shenanigans around h264… Now realize there’s at least a dozen others as well that are likely just as screwy.