
MPs have taken a major step toward legalizing assisted dying in England and Wales by passing the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, which allows terminally ill adults with less than six months to live the right to end their lives, pending approval by two doctors and a high court judge.

The bill passed 330-275 but faces further parliamentary hurdles and a two-year implementation period.

Supporters see it as a milestone for personal choice, while opponents raise concerns over coercion, insufficient safeguards, and the ethical implications for healthcare and the state.

  • Saik0A
    3 months ago

    most people who get assisted suicide meds never take them

    Many people offered medical suicide and go through with it don’t actually do it for a medical reason. But mostly because medical systems are swamped and they are otherwise poor. This isn’t humane, this is just throwing those people away and hoping they choose the easy option so they don’t drag down the rest of the system. At least how I’ve seen in implemented watching Canada’s case. If you know of a better case of implementation that I should be looking at, I’m all ears.