After the obvious mistake on the first attempt, I really wouldn’t trust that this is any more accurate or fool-proof.
I once tried to get ChatGPT to make me a spreadsheet of all 50 states paired with their population, minimum wage, and a couple other pieces of easily searched data. I was mostly just trying to get the AI to do the tedious searching and data entry so that I could then manipulate the data as I wanted.
It could not give me a list with all 50 states. The first attempt only had like 41 states. When I pointed this out it was all “Oh, I’m so sorry. You’re absolutely correct. Here’s a list with all 50 states.” But it only had like 45. I kept correcting it over and over and it kept giving me a new chart, claiming it had all 50. After like 15 attempts I just gave up. I think the worst it ever gave me was 33 states. It got up to 48 one time, at which point I noted exactly which 2 states were missing. The next list included those 2, but only had 46 total.
It’s so unbelievably bad at simple things that I have 0 confidence it’s any good at anything more complex.
I do agree that he is incredibly detached from reality and probably overestimates his support, but I don’t think that’s a factor in what he’s doing to destroy/fleece the government. I think he overestimated the competency of himself and the kids he’s having do all the coding work.