• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Eh, I still wouldn’t call it a scam. Words have meaning and scams are intentional; this team just couldn’t do what they thought they could, and made a mediocre version of what they had planned. Game development is hard. I’ve tried to get started on simple little projects in UE and Unity a couple times, and the furthest I got was a model that could run and jump on an endless procedural landscape (before the game crashed because the map got too big I mean).

    So yeah, absolutely call it a bad purchase, but I don’t think it’s fair to say they were out to “scam” anyone. We got a game, and it wasn’t even truly terrible - way better than that Gollum “RPG” for example - it just didn’t live up to the hype, and better games in the genre exist like Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, PoE, etc.

  • Don’t you hate it when you reach for a napkin but then your hand gets stuck to the dispenser and you watch in horror as the sides of the dispenser morph into tentacles that reach out and mercilessly beat you into bloody mush - or they would, if it were a full-sized mimic, but instead the angry lil guy can only pitter-pat against your wrist and you’re all like

    Nyawww, lil napkin mimic, so angry and vish! But bro I kinda need my hands back now

    So you pat and stroke the napkin mimic until it calms down and even lets you take a napkin like you wanted?