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  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Something interesting I’d like to point out, the videogame Mindustry is open source and copyleft (I think either GPL or AGPL). You can get a build off GitHub or FlatHub completely for free. However there is a Steam version with Steam multiplayer and achievements as well which is $9.99 USD on Steam, estimated ownership is around 846.7k [1], the price hasn’t always been $9.99, but assuming that isn’t the case the game has made around $8 million, I haven’t taken out Valve’s cut and I don’t know how much tax they’re paying but that’s pretty good. It could be a lot higher if all of the FlatHub and GitHub users paid for their copy. I initially discovered the game on FlatHub, loved it and now have it on Steam. I wouldn’t have bought the game if I hadn’t tried it for free.

    It feels counterintuitive that freeloaders can help with sales, but consider a physical artwork like a painting. People don’t tend to buy these things without seeing them first, and seeing it is experiencing, so there’s very little benefit to buying it, but people do anyway to support the artist, because they want more.

    [1] https://steamdb.info/app/1127400/charts/

  • I’ve never actually used NixOS (I did use Nix once to save my ass on Arch because of the aforementioned CUDA thing which I will not let go), but my reasoning for it not having as good QA as Fedora Atomic Desktops is the large number of possible configurations to test for, as well as testing GUI programs. But I understand the way the project is being developed and designed with things like flakes there is certainly potential for much more stringent QA, however, it still feels a bit like an “in development” thing that’s probably not at the stage where users can expect to use it without coming across things they can’t do etc. (Not that Silverblue doesn’t have that).

    So I agree it certainly has its uses.

  • There’s a lot of people here promoting whatever crazy niche distro they use and I’d caution against some of the options presented here. I’d recommend the following criteria when choosing a distro for development (depends on the development but I’ll assume since you’re study computer science something like Python, C/C++ where distro packages are important):

    1. Up-to-date packages: You don’t want to come across some bug in a library that was fixed 2 years ago or miss out on the latest features or standards
    2. Stability: You likely don’t want to rewrite your code to account for a major library update immediately because otherwise your code won’t run - it also makes it easier to share with other people as you can target a specific OS
    3. QA: Possibly having maintainers that keep an eye on bugs and packaging mismatches to create a coherent system is one of the greatest features of the Linux desktop. For example I had an Arch update stuff me around for an update where the maintainer of the CUDA toolkit package did a major upgrade without any coordination with the maintainer of the proprietary nvidia driver package, making CUDA unusable.

    Here’s a quick list of how distros fit these criteria:

    • Arch: (1)
    • Debian 12: (2, 3)
    • Linux Mint: (2, 3)
    • Ubuntu LTS: (2, 3)
    • Ubuntu 24.04: (2, 3) - Some packages weren’t updated to their latest versions like KDE Plasma
    • Fedora Workstation 40: (1, 2, 3)
    • Fedora Silverblue 40: (1, 2, 3+) - My personal choice however, it’s a bit different from normal distros, see below
    • NixOS: (1, 2) - You can define specific package versions but with the large repos I doubt there is much QA going on
    • Debian Sid: (1) - This is the development branch of Debian
    • OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: (1, 2, 3+) - Very advanced automated testing
    • Void Linux: (1, 2, 3-) - Claim to be stable rolling release, updates come slowly after some testing

    Note on atomic distros and toolboxes/distroboxes:

    • I personally use Fedora Silverblue with a few distroboxes (basically docker containers you can interact with) for development (Fedora) and Steam (bazzite-arch-gnome).
    • With an Atomic distro the root filesystem is not mutable - you don’t generally install packages there but setup an aforementioned container and install you’re environment in there.
    • toolboxes and distroboxes are usable on any distro so your desktop environment and any applications like Steam, Firefox, etc. are able to be updated to a different cycle/philosophy to your development tools.
    • The main advantages of an atomic distro are:
      • Fast updates that you download while the system is running and on next boot you will immediately be in the updated environment (no need to wait for updates to apply);
      • Everyone runs the same configuration (or very close to) which is why I gave Fedora Silverblue a + in the QA category. This means you are less likely to come across rare configuration issues which are difficult to test (i.e. there is less entropy in the system)
    • The main drawbacks however:
      • It’s a relatively new paradigm on the Linux desktop (despite being basically what Android does) so there’s not as many people using Fedora Silverblue as Fedora Workstation.

    Desktop environments:

    • On MacOS and Windows you only get one choice as to how the desktop looks and feels, here we have a few choices:
      • GNOME - the most popular choice and is the default for most major distros, with strong backing from major players like Red Hat. It implements a completely new way to interact with your computer borrowing behaviour from both Windows and MacOS. While not terribly customisable (at least not through settings, extensions can do pretty much anything), it’s generally not necessary if you just want to focus and get stuff done
      • KDE Plasma: probably the second most popular choice, while not the default for the major distros there are versions like Kubuntu (Ubuntu), Fedora KDE Spin (Fedora Workstation) and Fedora Kinoite (Fedora Silverblue) which implement it. By default Plasma has a Windows like behaviour however it is customisable to behave pretty much however you see fit.
      • Cinnamon: Not as popular - used by Linux Mint to provide a familiar experience to migrating Windows users.
      • XFCE: Also not as popular but is a good lightweight option
      • Tiling Window managers - not a full dekstop environment like you would expect from the other options but provide a unique keyboard-based workflow making use of virtual desktops/workspaces and window tiling rather than floating windows.

    I hope this comment is helpful for you, and the choices are really overwhelming - but worth it, and I’d recommend playing around with whatever you’ve got time to do to find what works best for you. If you’re planning on running on an Apple Silicon based device most of these distro options are unavailable, I’d recommend looking into Asahi Linux based distros - don’t use Manjaro as they aren’t endorsed by the Asahi project

  • I’m not terribly concerned over the ethics of the defense contractor, what I took away from the article is that Eelco develops some competing products for nix which are proprietary and leads the nix project. Massive conflict of interest he refused to address. Furthermore, his behaviour in the community isn’t very good - you could argue “But that doesn’t matter, what matters is that he writes good code”, however you would miss the point. Such behaviour has the potential to alienate current and future contributors - what open source projects need to keep going.

  • Beyond All Reason was recently recommended to me in an ask Lemmy Thread. Can confirm it is a great game if you’re into real time strategy (Free and Open Source). Naev and Endless Sky - Single player 2D open world space exploration, trading with some interesting storylines (Both are also FOSS and inspired heavily by the Escape Velocity series of games), I have spent ma y hours playing these games. Mindustry is another fun one people are recommending, takes elements of Factory Building games and Real Time Strategy (FOSS).

    Venturing into the non-foss side of things, most games seem to work, check protondb before purchasing for Linux compatiblility. Steam is pretty good on Linux. I’ve found Terraria to be quite addictive which natively supports Linux. Starbound is also pretty good but I haven’t touched it for a few years because the storyline is rather a cliche and just not interesting at all to me (I did finish it).

    Another option for games is emulation.

    If your gaming laptop has an NVIDIA GPU as well as integrated (usually Intel) you may need to launch your games with certain environment variables incase they default to the integrated graphics. In my experience with hybrid graphics Wayland works quite well as the desktop will be run on the integrated graphics.

  • It’s just a podman/docker container. I’m pretty sure it is unprivileged (you don’t need root). I’ve tried it on both NVIDIA (RTX 3050 Mobile) and AMD (Radeon RX Vega 56) and setting up the distrobox through BoxBuddy (a nice GUI app that makes management easy) I didn’t need to do anything to get the graphics drivers working. I only mentioned BoxBuddy because I haven’t set one up from the command line so I don’t know if it does any initial set up. I haven’t noticed any performance issues (yet).