So, we murder them after they save us?
So, we murder them after they save us?
Oh, she knows.
That’s why she demanded to be allowed to boost troops numbers on the northern border.
Otherwise, it could (and still.does) look like either preparing against an invasion, or readying for an invasion. The former being most likely.
Yes, I know the more troops on the border was the ask of the Mexican president, which made Donold buckle like a belt.
Those troops are to keep Americans out… Not to keep anyone in.
Ok, so lets deport every white person. If you’re white, your family didnt immigrate here legally.
Right, so nothing changed except Mexico has an excuse to boost troops deployments on our border.
Oh, you mean the other plutocratic candidate wellbeing on letting christofascism even take root?
No, he plans to send a unilateral conquering and occupation force.
There is a difference.
Yeah, I’ve blocked them. I can tell, at minimally, they were not interested in any good faith discussion.
That’s true :(
You want to cosplay the resistance, read up on how things actually went under the Nazi regime.
Oh, you mean the Nazi regime where anarchists self-organized and fought the Nazis while everyone else was inviting the Nazis to the Olympics? Or the times that anarchists showed up to put a beat down on Nazis doing a dog and pony show at Madison Square?
But if so, all of you should understand that you aren’t gambling that you’ll win your individual fight with the fascists - you’re gambling, first of all, that there will be a fight.
That’s not a gamble. We know a fight is coming. We just are unsure of when it will start. We’re preparing for that.
If they notice you, the institution with disproportionate resources and full-time goons to sic on you, they’re going to choose where, when, and how the confrontation goes down, and “Politely, in the daytime, clearly marked coming down the street while you’re on guard duty at the safe house” is not fucking likely to be the result.
We’ve been dealing with that for years already… I mean, how do you think Anarchists ended up in prison in the US already?
If they notice you, the chances of there being a fight is slim.
We only need to be lucky once. They need to be lucky every single time.
and nor will any number of your plans about how you and your buddies will heroically defend your community. So stow the macho bullshit.
It’s hardly “macho bullshit”… But go on projecting. What’s your plan, btw? Capitulate at the soonest chance?
So, do you suggest going without a fight? Do you not understand how community defense works?
Sigh. We fight for those on the left and right of us.
If it was just for me, then why would I suggest training, arming AND organizing?
A resolution, for a ceasefire, that the US blocked.
And yes, US backing genocide has a long, and storied tradition, if you will. Hitler got his “best” ideas for it, from the US.
They aren’t herding me anywhere, without a fight.
That’s why we arm ourselves, and train, and organize.
And it’s been getting worse for everyone since like… 1976 on so?
Like did you forget the preventable AIDS epidemic pushed by Reagan? The 1993 Crime Bill that tossed thousands or Black folk into prison? Crack cocaine introduced to our communities by the US government? Mass arrests of people protesting for racial justice? Gitmo? 1985 MOVE bombing? Indigenous Boarding Schools?
So, did you just get scared on January 20th?
My queer self has been scared since 2006…
Im hardly “celebrating it”… I’m acknowledging that it actually happens here.
Okey doke. In reality, your only solution to any problem is “Vote.blue no matter who”.
I get it. Your only solution to everything is just vote. And then it ends there.
Im actively involved in indigenous projects for the indigenous people.
I helped a Black woman win a Dem primary, only to have the Local Dems back a Reich Winger in a write in ballot.
But, yeah, I don’t care about them. K.
I’m not the one sending jackboot thugs into their community… that’s the local dems.
I fucking love pollen!!