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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • It’s a play by monopolys. They create a large platform (often free to start), integrate it with a bunch of other stuff, then charge you to use it. They can use the invested cost to leverage anyone on the platform, because it’s often an expensive lengthy process to halt processes. The ruling is essentially stating that Microsoft either needs to allow non Microsoft accounts to chat on teams or allow you to remove your word subscription without affecting your email. Both of those are good things for consumers, but Microsoft wants to hold all of the cards on all sides, and start offering bundles like cable companies. All just to limit your options and squeeze you when they want more.

  • Ironing is really only required for “dress up” clothing, casual cotton clothing is generally presentable if you wash, machine dry and fold/hang while still warm. You will have a crease and it will resolve itself in a few hours. Polyester blends also come in several utility blends like the stain free, moisture dispersing and wrinkle resistant. I’m realizing reading this thread that some people iron all of their clothing, but in my home we typically only iron our formal occasion attire (rare).

  • Unfortunately most large organizations are running on enterprise releases that only lay down minimal software. Plus IT depts have heavily maintained images that immediately shuts off anything that sneaks in. Help desk is just going to disable the feature before slapping the company background image and VPN on it and giving it to standard users. They will make a ton of money in the short term and EOL the operating system when it’s no longer profitable and Linux is the default (decades from now). AOL is still out there

  • I’m genuinely sorry to hear that. From my own journey, I recommend trying to find something that you realize is tolerable to fun. Engage in that activity and actually stop to appreciate that you are in that moment. Just absorb how those emotions feel and try to embrace that frame of mind. Often I would get wrapped up in doing something and not appreciate that I was enjoying myself. I would spend my 8 work hours hating my job, getting worked up by the news and wallowing in those emotions and that becomes your mindset. Identifying that change is constant and trying to embrace what you have now creates moments that are worth indulging in. Now I add slurpee runs to project plans just to make my days slightly more enjoyable and novel. They will likely get stuck down, but at the least it’s a softball for someone to roast for a good laugh. But more often than not we take 15 minutes and get a slurpee. Those coworkers are now friends. It took years before discovering I was neuro atypical, don’t be afraid to seek help and see if there is something different about you and if you can do something about it.

  • I’ll take a shot: Life is a disease of chaos that spreading itself across the universe that long forgot about it. In order to survive it must consume itself, but keeps spreading slightly faster and has only recently started to shape its own future.

    We as a species? We do it because it feels good for the most part. Nature was cruel and we figured out how to keep the pleasure center of our brain happy, and are trying to do that as efficiently as possible. Evolution is cruel and humans are no exception. When primates are threatened they go straight for the throat and balls to remove all challengers. We as a species can get more together; but greed has tipped the balance. Hard times are here and it will likely take drastic change to correct the scales.

    We as a collective individual? As our perspectives and priorities change, there will never be a single answer for an individual at any point in their life, so it’s hard to provide insight to anyone reading. The first task is to get to know yourself, what are you good at, what do you suck at, what’s the most attractive part of your body, what’s your best hairstyle, we are all unique and unless you can honestly answer this, you still have work to do. If you had unlimited cash, what would you do? Keep in mind quit my job is not an answer! Aside from getting bored in a few weeks, the actual point of this exercise is to identify what your priorities are. Would you run an organization to do something? What’s your passion project? It might be to spend it with your family and that’s a great answer for a happy life. Bill Gates went to Africa to help people, Elon Musk bought Twitter so people would talk about him. At the end of the day, your reason for doing it and mine will be different, but you need to find what you can do that will bring you efficient happiness. If it helps; I like chasing a lot of different things and finding the best it has to offer, I also love my dogs. Best of luck in your search.

  • Not op, but I’m curious if anyone will help me understand my own reality. I immediately close my eyes to make the experience authentic.

    “I have to spend 10 grand in 24 hours” as a imaginary verbal statement. (internal monologue?). Then I “lookup” spending money memories and create an object in my head without any attributes. I can tell it has emotional attachment from the memories, best described as a label. (I determine to go online shopping without much thought).

    “most likely buy raw materials like gold”. [Pause]. But what’s unique about this situation that I can take advantage of? 24 hours [trail off]. Bonds would be easy and just postpone payment. Is laundering an option? Why is this person giving away 10k? What damage can it do?"

    As the passenger, it feels like large derivitive stuff is silent. The inner dialogue is mostly probing. But here is a significant amount of silence betweens questions. I don’t have a visual canvas.

    Are others answering these questions? Frequently, I have a silent mind but pondering takes probing.