Disciple of Christ and software engineer, concurrency wizard subclass.

Things I like: programming (probably in Rust), computer hardware, music, guitars, synthesizers, video games

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • This is my least favorite part of Seafile. If there were a competitive alternative that used a flat file storage backend then I’d switch to that in a heartbeat. But alas, I still have not found one, so I will continue into my 6th year of using Seafile…

    Worth noting in 6 years I haven’t had any actual trouble with Seafile’s storage, and the few times I’ve needed to I’ve been able to export data to a normal file system using seaf-fsck even if Seafile isn’t running. I’m just not 100% comfortable with it anyway so I understand the apprehension. I’d rather use a standard filesystem and be able to use standard tooling on it.

  • I bounced around a bunch of different apps after leaving Evernote myself some 6-7 years ago. Evernote was cool, but started getting worse. I can only imagine how bad it is now. I also learned that migrating away from Evernote’s walled garden is a bit difficult.

    I don’t have any recommendations for ones with a web editor. I specifically wanted a local app for my notes, which Evernote seemed less interested in and more interested in pushing their web app. After Evernote I’ve been using a folder of plain-old Markdown files, synced to my home server, and using various editors for those Markdown files. Things I’ve tried include VSCode, Typora, and QOwnNotes.

    Today I use Obsidian and haven’t hopped around for the last 2 years. I love Obsidian and have basically no complaints about it. Again no web editing, but if you just want local files (that can sync across devices) then Obsidian is excellent.

  • I still like individual forums and use them on occasion. For me, the reason why Reddit was better is because of the UI. The default phpBB skin is awful for following a dialog in my opinion; Reddit’s much more compact threads free of annoying signature blocks and giant user profile panels is much nicer. Personally I’d be perfectly happy to go back to the days of individual forum accounts if the forums had nice UIs like Reddit or Lemmy. Even Flarum is an example of a traditional forum software with a decent UI. The big missing thing though is threaded conversation which I much prefer over a flat forum, something that Lemmy offers.

  • Uh… Google Domains… damn.

    Well actually it depends, I have things spread across different registrars for different things. For all my personal stuff I have been using https://www.namesilo.com/ for over 5 years with not much to complain about. They generally have good prices and support quite a few TLDs, and no nonsense. Though they’ve been in a control panel redesign limbo for like 2 years which is pretty annoying, especially since I liked the old one better.

    For IT stuff that I do for nonprofits and other orgs I’ve used Google Domains, but I guess that will have to change. Mostly because it integrates well with Google Workspace. I already use Cloudflare for a few of these things, so maybe I’ll just move the domains to Cloudflare too. Generally I’m pretty happy with most things Cloudflare.

    I hear excellent things about Porkbun but have never used it myself.

  • First, how do I self host:

    • Proxmox on custom PC hardware
    • Kubernetes for containerization (via Microk8s, but I really hate it, will move to k3s at some point)
      • Just about everything I can runs as a K8s deployment

    What I self-host:

    • Seafile: Does all my file storage, NAS, and sync duties. No, I haven’t found a better alternative yet.
    • PiHole
    • Home Assistant
    • Subspace wireguard
    • VictoriaMetrics
    • Grafana
    • Also a TP-Link Omada controller on a Rock64 lying around

    That’s actually about it at the moment.

  • Cloud storage is expensive. Physical storage is cheaper in the long run. Might be a good candidate to actually self-host on-prem. Throw a bunch of SATA SSDs at it, which are astonishingly dirt cheap nowadays and probably fast enough for a medium-sized instance; maybe add an NVMe disk cache if you want to be fancy.

    One of these months (or years…) fiber will finally be available in my area, at which point I’m going to move most of my servers from the cloud to on-prem. But for now I can’t, because 10 Mbps upload is a pretty tight bottleneck…