Member of multiple generations of migration waves. Also @moira and formerly solarbird on reddit. If federation starts working, I’ll probably mostly interact from mastodon, or may even set up my own kbin. (Which is what I did with Mastodon.) We’ll see. _

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • HVAC assist system. It cut our peak electricity bill by 40% year over year under similar conditions, too, with substantially better performance.

    But really it’s very simple. All I’m doing is improving the effectiveness of very traditional methods of temperature control by being more accurate and much more aggressive about exchanging air in and out when appropriate. Obviously in the middle of a 90-110F heat wave that’s not going to matter, so it’s more of a northern thing - but it really does a great deal in a lot of climates. (And in spring and autumn in more southern climates, I suppose.)

    One of the key elements is that outdoor temperature varies a lot from point to point on the property, so we have air exchange measured at five points around the house, keyed to local indoor vs. local outdoor air temperature. (And air quality and a few other things, of course.) The actual air exchange is a combination of the original air-exchange system plus just opening and closing windows. We overcool at night with air exchange so we’re always below ambient outdoor temperature during the day.

    It’s remarkably effective. We went from… well, it varied a lot, but +7 to +10 F above ambient to -7 to -5 below. (I was doing all this in C internally but F because I was talking about it to Americans.)

    Again, I’m in an environment where this is particularly effective, but it costs so little and saves so much money and energy use I have to think it has some general utility many places.

    Here are some of my posts about it:

  • Y’know just in general I really strongly recommend going all-metal or better bimetallic on your hot end? It cleared up so many problems for me. The Ender 3-series hotends really aren’t bad if you just back that PTFE up a bit.

    I like this one (no affiliation other than I bought one) quite a lot, and I got it on sale so it was cheaper than the current price. But even at the current price I’d definitely say it’s still worth it.

  • If you’re willing to get into annealing, I’ve had good service from annealed HTPLA in high temperature/humidity and even overpressure environments. I’m three years into a build that gets multiple hours of use in such conditions a week and it’s held up fine. There have been other problems, but nothing related to bad behaviour out of the HTPLA.

  • Oh wow, that looks hilarious, but in a fuck yeah you mad lad way. Is it the tower resonating or the part you’re printing? If it’s the tower I’d bet money you could solve the last of the problems with some kind of wall attachment for the tower. (Clip if you actually do haul it around, bracket if you don’t.)

    I had similarly good luck with a height mod on my 3V2 but that thing has a lot more mass to it, I expected it to work. I would not have expected this to work.

  • If the extruder is clicking, it’s able to grasp the filament. It’s that it’s trying to move it forward, literally can’t, and it slips and makes that click. That also grinds down the filament at the wheel as well.

    I’ve printed fine with eSun PLA+ on an Ender 3 V2, it’s a very straightforward filament in my experience. Not my favourite, but it’s fine. (Their cleaning filament by contrast is excellent and I recommend it highly.) I would take apart the entire filament path and make sure it is incredibly clean, because this really sounds to me like a recurring clog issue caused by some particulate matter, which can include extraheated filament hat no longer wants to melt right.