The news doesn’t cover what happens at 2pm on a Saturday unless there’s multiple bodies.
The news doesn’t cover what happens at 2pm on a Saturday unless there’s multiple bodies.
The PS5 doesn’t even have games and we are moving on to the 6? I guess that’s some innovation.
This isn’t a normal rational thing. This is Trump using schoolyard bully tactics. Mexico went the appeasement route. Trump doesn’t care about anyone respecting the US, he cares what he can get them to do for him.
It means you have standards.
It means you have standards.
No, but it’s what’s happening.
Yellow is pretty bad honestly, it’s just the novelty of being a bit more like the anime. The pokemon you can catch and what’s available for early gyms are both poor.
No business is ok with arbitrarily paying more, even if it is predictable. That’s why they built factories in Mexico in the first place, because it was cheaper. Businesses also aren’t a monolith in their preferences, Amazon would happily take 4 years of chaos if it forces many competitors out of business. Similarly musk/Tesla isn’t ready to compete with other car companies (US, EU, or China) actually trying to make EVs, more chaos on his competition is great for him.
No idea, I’m not even sure Trump knows what he wants. It seems like a fishing expedition to me. Throw out some wild tarrifs and see what happens.
Mexico has essentially agreed to pay tribute, now it’s a matter of finding out the price. Yes I call that a Trump win. Produce keeps coming in and he gets to take credit for whatever Mexico agrees to.
He got Mexico to the table and Mexican troops to maybe stop some smuggling. This is how Trump negotiates he does ridiculous things that hopefully force responses.
I don’t see how this is a loss for trump. He got Mexico to do something he presumably wanted.
I’d lean in favor of Gen 2 being better, but it’s definitely a tough call whether the original or the first refinement is better.
This is my first time seeing this poster, and I can’t believe they thought it looked good.
I use it on my work laptop, I even have chrome installed. It works just fine.
Crimes committed by random strangers against women are practically non-existent. Women absolutely need to fear their creepy neighbors or angry ex, as people they know are the actual risks.
Having a magical standard fairy waive a wand isn’t going to fix scripts, or stop them from breaking.
If something is common enough to be a standard it’s a standard.
When they say it lasts, they don’t mean it stays in the exact same condition and shape.
If it can be emulated on a potato it’s retro. If it’s it’s old but not trivial to emulate then it’s classic.