I’ll have to look for that. Probably not at our regular market but there is a south American specialty store across the street that I have neglected.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
I’ll have to look for that. Probably not at our regular market but there is a south American specialty store across the street that I have neglected.
Soak rice overnight. Add riceand water, milk, cinnamon, vanilla, sugar, to blender . Blend. Strain. Serve over ice, or not.
Sounds like isekai.
As well as owning the board itself and being able to change the rules. It’s a sucker’s game to fight on a battlefield controlled by the enemy without overwhelming advantage.
Nah. I’ll die on that particular hill.
You forgot to end your sentence with ‘lol’. At least be consistent with your bad English.
That image is 100% the academic quadrangle at Simon Fraser University. Hah.
Just a small nit, I would say ‘much’ cheaper or ‘dramatically’ cheaper. Exponential refers to rate od change, not magnitude of change. Something increasing by 10% a year is exponentially increasing, something that’s just gotten bigger could be increasing linearly or not at all.
For clarity I use semi for 2x a period and bi for every two periods. I think everyone should. :)
I make sourdough bread biweekly-ish. Freezing it (after it’s had a 24-36 hour curing period) is fine. Toasts right back up.
Swearing an oath “in vain” is not allowed. Ie, don’t swear in the holy name and then go back on your word. As I understand it. That would be the mortal sin.
At one point I rebuilt a server by fully abandoning the package database and reinstalling everything as overwrites. Converted a slackware install into a Debian install in situ by cannibalizing it from the inside out. Pretty proud of that one, even 20 years later.
edit: oh gods… more like 24.
Debian stable, I guess, has both people sleeping on cruise control. Fine until it stops being fine, and then a flurry of activity.
Edit: or maybe a train. Boring, except for updates and dist upgrades.
They could add a bid price, so that you automatically buy at a certain price level. Sure, you could bid 0.10, but they’d probably never actually take it. And that way, they could know how much money is laying on the table. If there’s a thousand bids for $50, that gives them a pricing signal.
Redhat 1997. Slackware, Storm Linux, then Debian 2001 to present. A brief year on the OSS Solaris release.
We had taglines and bbs signatures. Those were pretty similar.
I always assumed it was similar to how QE2 was the Queen of Canada, making our monarchy separately and independent but parallel to the UK monarchy.
Sneezing is not normal. I never sneeze.
Yeah, you have a city and the last few digits of an America 5 digit post code. It seems like that would take it down to a handful of possible candidates right away.