Oh come on, the header is a clickbait. There is a US military base in Israel already, it’s been there for years. The article is about an announcement that they are sending another missile defense battery with personnel alongside
Oh come on, the header is a clickbait. There is a US military base in Israel already, it’s been there for years. The article is about an announcement that they are sending another missile defense battery with personnel alongside
You can do 2FA with Keepass, just not TOTP. Add a key file or a hardware key on top of your master password and you pass “something that you have and something that you know” test
Yeah, apart from what another person said about alternative apps… Events organized by local communities or businesses are often advertised in Facebook only. I know of a few local businesses in my area with Facebook being their only online presence.
Maybe it’s because they have to? Keeping in touch with older relatives, following local events, etc
Garmin. Works reasonably well without connection to the phone. Some models supported by Gadgetbridge
Edit: corrected app name
Yeah… And the second source cited in article, VChK-OGPU “outlet” is an anonymous channel in Telegram, that published information from “an anonymous source”. Doesn’t sound trustworthy.
For a less than you pay for a cup of coffee, you can evaporate 10 or even 50 people!
Natural teeth roots promote bone regeneration around them, while implants don’t. Therefore bone loss with age is worse around implants
No, I didn’t say that. It depends on your risk model. If you are an average Joe don’t worry that services are charging your credit card. If you are hiding from government then better use less online services, and if you must then find ones that accept crypto
TLDR: “privacy” services can’t be bothered and you shouldn’t too if you are not doing illegal stuff.
These “privacy-oriented” services are businesses that need to earn money, not scare away potential clients and avoid legal issues. Accepting cash or crypto is a risk for legal and accounting reasons. They just don’t think it’s worth it.
Now, to link a particular activity on a particular service with you via your payment is not a trivial task. Government can do it, but it really matters if you think you are or will be targeted by it. Data miners can correlate bank payment with an account at a service provider only if both bank and service provider sell or leak data, which is less likely if you are using a privacy a oriented service.
Yay, I can get some targeted ads about data center hardware!
People’s Breeding Dungeon
Mullvad has a feature to add random noise into traffic patterns, actually
This is a good point. Maybe setting up a VPN at home would the good option for when I’m on the go
Thanks for the suggestion, but anonymity is not my goal with VPN. I known about tor etc, and it is not working well for everyday web surfing
Well, reddit is doing fine so far. Shareholders are happy
The article says they replaced them with remote workers in India, I’m assuming with even lower wages
I’m running Nextcloud from a Turnkey LXC template that’s available in Proxmox. Runs solid, I have no complaints for performance or stability. But upgrades are manual and very involved. It’s not too complicated, but there is always something that needs extra attention or troubleshooting. I also wasn’t able to figure out Turnkey migration toolset that they suggest to use for major upgrades, such as to new version of OS.
I second this. It makes total sense - computer memory is a volume to be filled with data. They ain’t call parts of a hard drive volumes for nothing.
Yeah, I see someone already told you that American soldiers have been there already, long ago this new deployment. But they didn’t bother to prove it to you, and you didn’t believe them.
Well, let me Google it for you. Very quick search reveals this article from 2017:
Back then it was “dozens of soldiers”, nothing close to thousands another person claimed, though. But I think it’s safe to assume the numbers grew since then.