yes, and. lets not forget this discussion is happening on lemmy. this place is just autistic as fuck. even those of us autist around here who are straight tend to be the ones who find most other straight people obnoxious. we’ve self sorted into an audiance that, as another comment hilariously points out. most of us probably know a genx neckbeard linux user who used to be really gumpy. but she’s pretty chill and happy now.
If you just want a server with a very small footprint and good specs there are far better options. If you like using macOS and will occaionally use it like a desktop while also having some hosted services running in VM full time. Then yeah the minis are great little systems and fairly indestructable. If i went back to daily driving macOS outside work, i’d just buy a mini. But i’d only pay out for a mini if i’m actually gonna use macOS.