nickwitha_k (he/him)

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月16日


  • I, for one, do like to iron. I’d probably not like it if it was mandatory for all clothing though. What really has happened is societal changes leading to much more casual attire expectations (not that we could afford to dress like previous generations) alongside advancements in textile technology that have resulted in garments less likely to show wrinkles.

  • Give it a try. Hit up a thrift store and get some great tacky suits from the 70s and 80s, if you can find em. It’s a bit of fun to wear them when it’s not necessary or expected. I probably wouldn’t wear a really nice wedding/funeral suit in such cases because I spill fucking everything and would become destitute from the dry cleaning bills.

    Now, if it were a social expectation/requirement, it would suck and not be fun. But, as a choice that one can make, it’s great sometimes.

  • Fuck yes it is. I think I’ve ironed more this century than my Boomer mother. And none of it was out of necessity.

    After working as a farm hand one summer, it was like a switch flipped in my head and I really started to like button-ups and the like. Probably something along the lines of “this clothing is completely different from my work clothing and doesn’t have animal shit on it”.

    No-iron shirts and slacks are still the way to go but, getting those wrinkles that escape is just so satisfying.

  • That’s the beautiful thing about gifting software with permissive licenses (when one wants to): it’s a gift and anyone can do whatever they want with it for free.

    ETA: I DO think that it is important for one who chooses to license software permissively to be informed about their decision and its implications. But, just like consent in other areas, as long as one enters into it intentionally and with the understanding of what the license means, it’s noone’s place to judge (and, like consent in other interpersonal areas, the license can be revoked/modified at any time - with a new version). Honestly, really weird of those that take issue with individuals choosing to gift their software to humanity - there’s way more interesting and useful things to engage in in the FLOSS landscape.