Telegram users have never had privacy. Group chats are completely in the open and private messages are only encrypted if both users turn it on for each conversation—and it’s off by default. I’ve never understood why anyone thinks Telegram is any better than posting anywhere else on the internet.
Cluster munitions are bad when you’re an invading army bc some of the explosives fail to fire, endangering civilians who come across them later. Ukraine, however, is using them on its own territory to combat russia who 1) is already using cluster munitions with a greater fail rate than the ones the US is providing Ukraine, and 2) deliberately mines the areas they invade in a way to kill civilians (e.g. setting up a mine to explode if you try to move the corpse of a beloved family dog). So in this case, using the US’s cluster munitions to get russia out is a net positive.
Then the likely outcome of your actions is at odds with your stated goal of forcing the two major parties to shift their platforms over time.
AIPAC is funded by Israel, Republicans, and Democrats, so you can’t draw any strong conclusions about party affiliation from involvement in AIPAC alone. Further, AIPAC isn’t the only, or even the biggest, donor to Biden and Harris, so claiming they’re “bought and paid for” strains credulity.
MAGA isn’t solely characterized by Zionism, and not all Zionists are MAGA, so going from “Zionism” to “MAGA” is an unsubstantiated leap.
Finally, receiving donations from a death cult does not make one part of a death cult. Morally reprehensible? Yes.
That’s laudable, but the way to do that is to vote in primaries, not to vote third party in the general election
They might label some people incorrectly as russian agents, but the reality is that there is a concerted effort by russia to undermine the US democracy, mostly directed at the Democratic Party, and making some mistakes doesn’t make them delusional.
It’s pretty hard to prosecute propaganda in the US due to the First Amendment, so it’s not accurate to say that just because the Greens can run, they must not be russian agents.
The concern about the Greens is eminently logical: they are never going to win, so the best they can do is take votes from the Democrats, allowing the fascists to win. This is in fact what happened in the election of Polk, leading to the Mexican-American war and the theft of Texas from Mexico, which was then admitted as an additional slave state. Further, the Greens do little to nothing other than run in big national races, so it’s not a leap to think they’re deliberately running a spoiler campaign.
Finally, none of that has anything to do with the silly attempt to label Democrats as “Blue MAGA”, since MAGA is a quasi-religious fascist personality cult, none of which can be credibly attributed to Democrats.
A normal business, yes. Normal businesses are highly and cruelly exploitative, which is why we decided 80 years ago (in the US) that children, at the very least, should be protected from them.
I feel so bad for that girl. She looks shell shocked in every picture I’ve seen of this
This same “discovery” gets reported on once or twice a year; it’s starting to feel like a FUD campaign rather than actual research
That’s a ridiculous idea. If I buy a computer with an OS that has an encryption key to protect the hard drive, and later I need that key to remove my data to another system, I have an entirely reasonable expectation that I’m allowed to do so, regardless of how much the computer manufacturer doesn’t want me to.
“We will rebuild!”
Yeah, I read the good message, but then saw Homelander and thought, “makes fascists happy?”
There are some common misconceptions about dictionary definitions, including 1) that they’re prescriptive and 2) that they’re complete. In reality, at least for English, dictionaries are descriptive, meaning they attempt to describe how words are commonly used (where “commonly used” is a non-exact metric whose meaning is decided by the group compiling the dictionary); and they’re incomplete in a number of ways. A dictionary provides a starting point for understanding words we don’t know or are unfamiliar with, but there’s a reason people go to school for years to study specific subjects in depth–a depth that’s lacking in the dictionary definition.
Who are these people who have so many choices in friends that they can afford to vet them?
Is Aramaic word that references dying words of Jesus
I’m guessing you don’t watch South Park