Neo4j might with
Neo4j might with
It’s harder to freeze salt water then fresh water, do it’s not economical.
The most energy efficient method of desalination i believe uses a membrane and pressure to get the fresh water to one side.
But these aren’t even the biggest issue. The real question is what do you do with the left over brine? Desalination is not 100% perfect. You’re left with fresh water and a salty sludge called brine. It’s extremely difficult to dispose of without causing environmental impact
It’s a buzz word.
Web 1.0 is just websites. They envisioned everyone had their own web site to blog on. Geocities, ISP hosting, web rings, link aggregators, and simple human curated search engines. That kind of thing.
Web 2.0 basically meant APIs. You could stitch a weather API with a map API and make a weather map app. This kind of came true, but it wasn’t as free and open as people hoped for.
Web 3.0 is supposed the intersection of the web and distributed apps. Think games on the block chain like crypto kitties. It’s mostly been a flop since blockchain based decentralization is slow, expensive, and difficult for users. That being said there are successful use cases like online wallet management and distributed exchanges (defi).
Doubt. You probably need to set the file owners in your volume to the same user running in the container.
It’s a cli tool, so you can call it within another call using dollar sign syntax
terraform apply --var "myvalue=$(pass path/to/value)"
I’m using pass at home, but I’ve used hashicorp vault at a few jobs with great success.
IBM just forked it to openBao as well to get around the business license, if that’s a concern for your. But honestly I’d trust hashicorp more than IBM at this point.
You can try putting it on pretty 443 or another tls port. It’s not a perfect solution but it could help for your specific setup.
Wireguard is e2e encrypted, no middleman can inspect the packets without the private keys.
Get rid of their junk equipment and put something decent in. Discord link is a group dedicated to doing just that. You may find info for your specific ISP.
If you do it right, you won’t even need their gear inline at all.
-sS80 -sA80 was my goto for CTF boxes.
Most people can change, and do. Most people can’t prevent it. Change is one of the only constants in life.
You sound like you have extra challenges with autism. If this is something that is negatively affecting your life, I would recommend looking into a counselor or therapist.
Best of luck. To both you and OP.
Let me rephrase. The chances for friendships for people who enjoy these activities are significantly greater for people who don’t at.
OP could force themselves to attend, and possibly make friends that way, but it’s very likely the friends will want to continue to do those things.
I would also like to remind people that the way you are is not set in stone. You can change if you want to. I used to be an introverted loaner who worked on being extroverted and accomplished it. It’s what I wanted though, I idolized extroverts. This may not apply to OP
What are your hobbies, go find where people do then together and join in.
If you don’t have many hobbies, try something new that may pique your interest.
Unfortunately most people your age are going to be at parties, university, and sports. You’re limiting your chance of success by removing those options, do it’s going to be hard. You’ll have to put in the work.
I would spend my time the same way. Honing my specialization to increase benefit to society. I love software development!
I use Ranger day to day and just access external volumes from their automatic mount points in /media, or I mount them manually to /mnt.
It works for me!
Because this isn’t a FOSS discussion community.
Not all militaries function in this way. I’m sorry yours does.
As an example, Israel has the concept of Rosh Gadol which empowers members of it’s service to be better than the system itself.
There are many very left leaving countries with mandatory military training now and in the past.
You may be significant referring to the US military, and in that instance I completely agree with you.
I think mandatory military service is likely a good thing for a population (maybe not the individual). With a highly trained population, volunteering would likely increase and reduce the need for conscription during times of war.
The benefits of military service for young adults are numerous. Discipline, exercise, comeradity, professional exposure, etc. Could reduce some of the mental issues we see due to isolation through technology. Of course I’m taking in peace time.
Pfsense is built on this, but it has some free software issues.
OpnSense was a pfsense fork from some of them original creators, that is free software.
Both are fantastic.