• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I view the repeated reply of “start your own server” as a cop out to not address what is fundimentally broken about a service, plus it doesn’t acknowedge that starting a new instance requires taking on a daily obligation of attending and checking that the service is running and immediately addressing in as short time as possible.

    Look at the rules of a instance that focuses on a particular topic or industry, they still have rules for public postings or acceptable speech.

    Since Mastodon has the capabilty to ban IP addresses and for one instance to ban another instance from communicating with it, that’s using a deny-all rule due to specfic individuals, so everybody on the internet who uses one server do not exist online for people on another server.

  • One of the main or even first rules for a lot of Mastodon is nobody is allowed say anything bad about tansgender or homosexuality an will result in account delete or ban, that much censorship is a cult.

    Not allowed to criticize vaccines. I’m not talking about messaging individual users, simply a public posting criticizing trans ideology or injections, banned.

    If someone reads the rules across a long list of Mastodon instances, a picture becomes clear about conformity to acceptable speech. Functional healthy adults are mature enough to ignore it or they themself choose to ban a user from messaging them, not an admin who had no part in a conversation. If one person creates multiple account and targets individuals, then yes the admin gets involed.

    To prove my point, do a search for a Mastodon instance that allows obnoxious or unpleasant statements, that is still allowed to communicate with more populated instances.

  • You lying to yourself or have unfounded expectations. Everything on Mastodon is in plain text, there is no encryption, and servers get mirrored. It’s only the login info that stays with the instance, and they all say that each instance server keeps logs for a year.

    It has never been any priacy at all. The entire point of why Mastodon was ever started was censor evertbody that has the wrong opinion. Twitter wouldn’t delete people because of what they believe, so Mastodon was developed to ban IP address so only approved speech could exist on the internet as far as they are concerned and can avoid ackniwledging the real world. A high number of people on there, especially the admins, live in cult

  • I am using Graphene abd I disabled Vanadium due to it being Chromium essentially. I use Navi or Download Navi from F-Droid. It does not have as much web functionality as Vanadium, but I don’t use phone for websites, I read websites on computer or laptop, but occassionally something might need a browser momentarily so that’s what Navi for.

    If you want a web browser for privacy, I would suggest use F-Droid and in Settings under Anti-features, turn off every option in there, do a search for browser and see what you think of the options. It’s either cheap development or old. A mobile web browser that protects privacy doesn’t seem to exist with the capabilitied of a Firefox.

    I’m a strong believer that there is no such thing as a privacy respecting browser that is closed source. For that reason, I use IceCat on computer.

  • There are ways around it if you are willing to put in the work and deal with incoveniences.

    For example, never use native Android or iOS, flash a custom ROM, never install proprietary apps, just that cuts a lot out. Only use cash for all stores and services, never carry payment cards with you, that wipes out financial tracking. Never give real info to stores. Use email aliases so different people have a different address. Don’t use Windows on computer if the prgrams you use are not exclusive to Windows.

    Those can be the beginner steps to how to be almost invisible in society. One thing I’ve done is try to push people onto SimpleX chat app for messaging so I can have a different random ID with each person I message so there’s no contact info to share. Even people I know in person, we hang out together, I try to get them on SimpleX in place of Signal.

  • Until someone gives legal notice to IBM lawyers forcing Red Hat source code to be released pulicly, all of this debating over it means jack nothing.

    If nobody takes IBM to court, the matter is settled and all developers must accept Red Hat’s choices.

    If they dismiss the online talk, ignore all criticisms, and nobody pays for a lawsuit, the case is done and finished.

    I’m not trying skip over your points, as I said from my first first, everybody can talk all they want, who has the power of persuasion or legal force to change IBM’s decision?

    I may be wrong, but I believe only the Linux Foundation is a position to call IBM CTO, President, whoever, and say “We heard about the changes to with holding Red Hat’s source code, you will not be doing that, it shall remain public. If you want to discuss this further, please send your most expensive lawyers to our offices and we will explain in detail why you won’t be doing that.”