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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

FYI: Human, check reCAPTCHA log /s

[Song: Civil War]

  • 36 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • “If you’re looking across all of the hominids, which is the family tree after the split with chimpanzees, there [are] not really that many traits that we can point to that we can say are exclusively human,” Duke University’s James Pampush tells Robert Siegel for NPR. “[T]hose animals all walked on two legs. The one thing that really sticks out is the chin.”

    One of the most popular ideas is that our ancestors evolved chins to strengthen our lower jaws to withstand the stresses of chewing. But according to Pampush, the chin is in the wrong place to reinforce the jaw. As for helping us speak, he doubts that the tongue generates enough force to make this necessary. A third idea is that the chin could help people choose mates, but sexually selective features like this typically only develop in one gender, Pampush tells Siegel.

    The spandrel hypothesis is as good a theory as any, but it too has its problems. It’s hard to find evidence to test if something is an evolutionary byproduct, especially if it doesn’t serve an obvious function. But if researchers one day do manage to figure out where the chin came from, it could put together another piece of the puzzle of what makes us different from our primate and Neanderthal cousins, Yong writes.

  • You are correct, only a few left:

    Reason below:

    All Nitter public instances shut down.

    There are no public instances left for you to use.

    Why ?

    Nitter has already been struggling to keep up with the changes Twitter made on their side after 2022.

    In January 2024, the Twitter API used by Nitter to fetch data from Twitter got shut down.

    Without this, there is no way to run instances on the scale needed for the public instances that got listed here.

    That’s unfortunate. But I still want to use Nitter !

    If you want to continue running Nitter, you can do so using a normal Twitter account.

    Do note however, that this cannot and will not scale, and is in a legal grey-area. Proceed at your own risk.

    See here for setting up Nitter if you feel brave enough and don’t fear the command line.

    But there are some instances ?

    Through he thankless work of some there is a tiny amount of instances left. These will be slow and can not expose RSS to prevent the huge volume bot attacks. The latter one also makes captchas and other anti-botting methods a requirement.

  • Your post includes a request for more down votes…

    I would implore that you reread the comments, I will even quote the ‘request’ section you misunderstood:

    I couldn’t have done it alone, it was only possible with the help of many!

    This is not and was not meant to be taken as a…, as you put it:

    request for more down votes

    I was just stating an obvious but truthful event that took place…, in that hot and cold summer evening when the stars were blinking like missles in the sky…being shot down by our tax dollars…but killing 100s of thousands of civilians, where many are small and innocent children…

    Again, downvotes or upvotes are not possible with out many people engaging with the comment; it was not meant to be taken as an invite to downvote/upvote, but people are free to do as they please!