Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
lol … idiots are trying to root the US government and don’t know what they are doing. Hopefully they won’t brick everything and go out and buy an overpriced brand new iphone.
If only the US had a cohesive, cooperative, positive reinforcing, mutually benefiting coordinated government organization staffed by people that mutually trusted one another and their leadership for the protection and benefit of their nation.
Now we wait for the Memeception
No … they didn’t really believe the billionaires would save them
They thought that they would all magically become billionaires
These two look like Minecraft characters
If you want to name the lake after a great state from America
You should call it
The World looking at the US: … HWUATTTTT!!!
I wonder where American military will start aggressively supporting American interests next?
As someone who is lactose intolerant … this made me fart
Then they pick you up and scan you at the supermarket like a can of beans before they realize that they weren’t supposed to do that.
Lol … turns out OP is an old party friend of Kim
First you need the baseball bat phase … where they beat each other over the head to produce enough bumps so that the phrenologists can analyze them.
Another tactic is … don’t spend money on things if you don’t really need to. Why keep spending just to continually spend, spend, spend.
Or that face you make when you’re high af, tired af, out of it af, or half asleep af and think about the food you wanted to eat but the food isn’t even there.
This usually happens to me on long road trips and I’m a passenger dozing off and in my half sleep state, I start dreaming of food and start mechanically opening my mouth to eat the imaginary hamburger I want to eat. Then the driver asks me if I’m OK because I was looking weird.
In an active war zone
I’ve saved every laptop, PC, portable device I’ve ever owned … and when they got too old and outdated with no more updates from Windows, I converted them all to Linux machines, most were just fun projects to see what I could or couldn’t do or to test all kinds of things I was trying to learn … now I have a closet stacked with devices
The owners of LLMs don’t care about ‘accurate’ … they care about ‘fast’ and ‘summary’ … and especially ‘profit’ and ‘monetization’.
As long as it’s quick, delivers instant content and makes money for someone … no one cares about ‘accurate’