I was working at a small gaming studio and talked on the phone with German Garmendia because we wanted to make a game featuring him and his staff. He’s a youtuber, I think he was called “the pewdiepie of latin america” or something like that? He had way too many subscribers, I think about 50M
He was a nice individual from what I remember, very hard working and friendly. I think he was recently “cancelled” though but idk I don’t keep up with those things.
I didn’t meet him per se, we just talked on the phone, and he’s not like… A hollywood celebrity or amything but it’s the closest I get.
Two friendships that I can think of, one was rekindled, one wasn’t and I’m not thinking of renkindling it either.
The first one was because my friend moved to another country and we just lost touch. I talked to him after about a year, he got angry at me because “why didn’t I write before”, I just Uno Reversed his ass and asked him the same question and he said “damn bro u right” and started talking again.
The second friendship, he started using me as his chauffeur, he was invited to my house at 3pm because I had university tests the next day, he showed himself up at 11pm with someone I didn’t know and I had to let them in to stay the night because my country wasn’t the safest.
He got drunk that night, made a mess in my house and left the next morning without saying shit and he was supposed to be my best friend. After that I straight up stopped talking to him.
Nowadays, my “best friend” has moved away from 3 different countries because he’s a drug dealer and he’s always using the product he has to sell or losing it somwhere and several people are looking for him, he lost 5 kg of cocaine in Argentina. The reason I know is because the first friend I mentioned in this comment is also a friend of his and he actually keeps up with his antics.