If this is the same one I remember from a couple years back, what’s not listed in this article: two different security teams warned them of the vulnerabilities multiple times, the vendor claimed to have fixed the issue when they hadn’t, the devices didn’t have any sort of physical bypass in case of malfunction, and what finally convinced the pen testers to go public was the company announcing that they planned to make a locking inflatable butt plug using the same platform.
I knew someone with a newer model (2019 I think?) Honda Fit with the emergency braking feature. It did absolutely nothing to prevent them from running into the back end of a pickup truck that swung out in front of them and slammed on the brakes. Literally it didn’t engage at all.
Also, the interior room on the Fit is terrible post-2013 due to some design changes. My 2010 Fit was a TARDIS - a 6’, 400lb guy could ride (or drive) it comfortably. That same guy riding in the 2019 model was cramped as a passenger. We didn’t try asking him to drive, after seeing how he fit as a passenger.