Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • RISC-V is an open instruction set, which should be what the Pi foundation (if their open source mission is to be taken at face value) would be switching to if they weren’t just a way for Broadcom to push their chips on the maker community under the guise of open source. proprietary architectures such as,the evolving landscape of computing.

    RISC-V, an open-source instruction set architecture (ISA), has been making waves in the world of computer architecture. “RISC-V” stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) and the “V” represents the fifth version of the RISC architecture. Unlike proprietary architectures such as ARM and x86, RISC-V is an open standard, allowing anyone to implement it without the need for licensing fees. This openness has led to a surge in interest and adoption across various industries, making RISC-V a key player in the evolving landscape of computing. At its core, an instruction set architecture defines the interface between software and hardware, dictating how a processor executes instructions. RISC-V follows the principles of RISC, emphasizing simplicity and efficiency in instruction execution. This simplicity facilitates easier chip design, reduces complexity, and allows for more straightforward optimization of hardware and software interactions. This stands in contrast to Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) architectures, which have more elaborate and versatile instructions, often resulting in more complex hardware designs. The open nature of RISC-V is one of its most significant strengths. The ISA is maintained by the RISC-V Foundation, a non-profit organization that oversees its development and evolution. The RISC-V Foundation owns, maintains, and publishes the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), an open standard for processor design. The RISC-V Foundation was founded in 2015 and comprises more than 200 members from various sectors of the industry and academia.

  • I started a fork of Lemmy geared toward inventory called Lemventory. I’m currently attempting to achieve dev/build tooling parity in Nix before I even touch a single line of their code. But that’s just my idiosyncratic way…anyone who actually knows rust and has their tooling ready could jump in and my Nix stuff wouldn’t get in the way.

    If you’re interested, it’ll probably be a pretty simple rewrite at first. So, you could branch my fork and explore the conversions that would need to be made to enable it if you want.

  • Here’s the gist of my idea so far:

    stores (or alliances of stores in similar industries) :: instances

    inventory items :: posts

    counts :: votes

    item categories (or entire stores depend on implementation) :: communities

    moderators are only allowed to post items to their own community or instance.

    comments can still exist (perhaps as item reviews with the same upvote/downvote mechanic).

    No actual transactions would be processed over this protocol. It would be solely for inventory broadcast/aggregation (like Shopify in that it houses the inventory of many vendors except without the transaction ability built-in since pub-sub is horrible for that kind of thing).

    Edit: if you have any opinions (even “what a stupid idea!”) I’d be open to them. I haven’t even written a single line of code yet and it’s a fresh idea in my head waiting to be shot down by someone less idealistic than myself.

    • switched to a split ergonomic mechanical keyboard
    • working on a fork of Lemmy geared toward inventory called “Lemventory”
    • moderating multiple Lemmy communities that are basically ghost towns (and I don’t care)
    • got rid of my Instagram (and all centralized forms of social media except YouTube) and replaced it with Pixelfed and others
    • letting my NixOS flag fly much more regularly now
    • hexbear defederation only created a Streisand Effect and piqued my curiosity about Marxism. I’m now much better educated about it and have come to conclude that is basically filled with smug, tech-bro, hive-mind, blue maga, chuds that support censorship of simple ideas and subscribe to blind, disingenuous American exceptionalism that wouldn’t even stand up to the most generous critical analysis.