“It’s not whooping cough. Sure, you have all the symptoms of whooping cough and live in an area with an active whooping cough outbreak, doesn’t matter, I don’t think it’s whooping cough.”
multiple visits later in a single week as symptoms worsen
“Fine, here’s a prescription for amoxicillin, you hypochondriac, but I don’t think it will do anything for you.”
whooping cough clears up completely
I do trust medical science but that experience was easily the worst of my adult life. Whooping cough is no joke, folks.
I shave the parts of my chest within 10cm of my nipples, so that suction toys stay on properly.
I feel that way every time I start vscode. A fast, high quality, open-source, cross-platform IDE - on Electron of all things - made by Microsoft? It’s so weird.