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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Congress shall make no law

    i think a lot of people misunderstand positive vs negative rights. the US Constitution doesn’t grant rights. the Declaration of Independence declared all are endowed with rights by a creator. that is the origin of our rights - inalienable. the Constitution doesn’t grant anything. it establishes the structure of a federal government, and the amendments to that guarantee what already exists in the Declaration. it limits power of an authority over a person.

    a very divisive example is arms. the Constitution doesn’t grant americans the right to keep and bear arms. it limits the government from prohibiting such.

    of course…this is the intent not necessarily the reality

    also the lack of critical thinking of this argument is so astounding i didn’t even notice it at first…no freedom from religion…which…one? which version of that one…? the constitution - which compels nothing but the government - can…compel americans to all be…uh - jehovah’s witnesses? mormons? sunni? bahai?

  • If you wait until someone is about to die

    yeah, if you push someone out of the way of a vehicle, you could say (accurately) that they were about to die but now they’re right as rain. but when someone is about to die because of an ever increasingly worsening medical scenario that unfolded predictably (that’s a big part of it - the medical knowledge we possess being able to prevent the condition)… it’s not like being on death’s door will suddenly mean you’re back to normal without great effort, cost, suffering, and risk.

    imagine applying that to any other medical condition “yeah your head hurts / it’s difficult to breathe / your toe is green / etc, but you aren’t about to die yet. come back when you’re brought in an ambulance”