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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • One aspect you might have to separate is the gun control advocates who just want to cite another reason for X or Y policies. Those people aren’t necessarily advocating for mental health.

    As an example take waiting periods. They might do something for first time buyers but the policy doesn’t really make sense for the people who already have a safe full of guns to pick from. I don’t hear those people talk about programs like “hold my guns” either.

  • 5.56, typical rounds for ARs, aren’t high caliber. In many states it’s illegal to hunt deer with that caliber because it’s under powered. Who told you it’s high powered?

    People absolutely use “high capacity” mags when these laws say more than 10 is too high. Take something like a Glock handgun typical capacity there is 15 to 17. For a modern rifle capacities of 20 to 40 is extremely common. For ARs the standard capacity is 30. Certainly any rifle anyone would consider for self defense is going to have mags larger than 10.

    Overpenetration is a concern for any round a person would use for self defense. That includes 9mm and buckshot. Using 5.56 or 300 blk isn’t actually that much more dangerous when just about anything is going through a bunch of wall if someone misses. And 5.56 might actually stop sooner than a slower moving handgun round because ballistics do weird things.

  • Some people like the idea but to me that only makes sense if you are basically doing the nomad thing at a cheap location. You’d want to stay in the place for awhile as you’re still spending most of the “vacation” working all day. On your days off you could do more. On an actual vacation you would actually be enjoying yourself the whole time. Traveling to just spend all your time working seems like a waste.

    Also just try to work on just a laptop for a week. It sucks. I’m not doing that.

  • @crow Not really sure how someone faking it would expect things to work out. Someone could decide they could get a bunch of clout and followers by faking it. But at some point they get shown to be a fraud then they lose any following they had. Are the people who claim to have discovered something notable before this or could they just be riding a wave for a min for a quick buck? I guess there have been cases in more proper scientific circles of faked results.

    Reporting on it is kinda whatever as that’s kinda just talking about what someone else claimed.

    Another possibility is that some other mechanism is at work or there is a fault in the test setup. At that point the person making the claim could be wrong but not necessarily aware of it. Maybe due to a lack of knowledge.

    @science @technology @dzen

  • The ammo/parts thing was more about how without domestic production there room for it to be affected by changes to import laws or sanctions.

    Personally I’m not worried about using something that some other group seems to like. I want what’s practical and fits my needs. There is a reason ARs are so common today. They’re just good and can be built/modified to fit a lot of people or use cases. If I really wanted something different just to be different I’d get something like a vz 58 or some kind of space gat. It’s still kinda hard for me to justify the expense for that kind of reason and I have to rein it in a bit as I kinda want all the things.

  • To me it looks like an over estimation of the capabilities for the tech. Same kind of thinking that led to lawyers submitting fake cases as support in court. The current tech can be useful but has to be verified and generally tweaked a bit to be good enough. It certainly has room for improvement in quality and just not lying. Real world use has some copyright questions with what the training data was. Applying it to something creative is questionable and more or less feels like uninspired remixes.

    Also the whole graphic is kinda suspect to me when “Blockchain engineers” is a job category and it’s produced by an org working on AI.

  • Lol, clean your guns if you’re getting jams. (The idea about jams is mostly a myth based on military personnel being told they didn’t need to maintain early designs while fighting in a jungle.)

    If you prefer AKs that’s fine. It’s also fine to own both but I think in the US an AR is more practical for most people if they can’t afford both. There are also weird designs mixing the two or having one chambered in the others caliber.

    In the US an AR is generally more affordable and more available. Parts and ammo for it also has more standardization and domestic production. In general it would be easier for most people to work on ARs. In other parts of the world an AK would be more common so more recommendable in my opinion. And the low end offerings there would be better than the low end offers on the US market. Where as you can still get a mostly decent AR for $600 in the US. If I got an AK I’d want to spend notably more than that to actually trust it.

  • I have music or whatever it’s called now because I music and red together where the same price as just red. I still have it because I use YouTube more than streaming services like Netflix and don’t mind supporting creators I’m watching. I use some of the features of premium on the app on my phone and fire stick too which could be worked around but would be a hassle.

    For a vast majority of people who mainly view YouTube as a free service I highly doubt they’d be willing to pay $7 a month let alone $14. A large portion of their viewer base is kids and they aren’t going to pay. Maybe if they add stickers or whatever TikTok is going nuts over as part of the monthly sub.

  • Medical issues are by fair the biggest risk, many of which is related to obesity and poor health choices on top of a lack of healthcare. Or it’s just cancer or covid. Suicide might make the top 10 which again relates to a lack of healthcare.

    Accidents of any kind make the top 4 or 3 but violence or murder isn’t that high on the list. The subset of gun violence is even smaller. There has been a downward trend in violence for decades now. It doesn’t feel that way with the news but people are generally less likely to be murdered than they were in the past. For a lot of the social issues failures with the economic system and a lack of social programs is the root cause for a lot of things.

  • You’re the one randomly commenting to defend a government. Plenty of governments and orgs find problems with the policies and actions of the CCP not just the US.

    One I have a problem with is how people in China can’t really criticize their government without risking being targeted by the government. If I said the Pooh Bear comment in China the CCP would be on my ass because WeChat reported me.

    On the other hand criticize my government all the fucking time including leaders in particular. Watch. Fuck Biden I don’t like his gun policy and I don’t think he should run again, he is too fucking old. Here, I’ll do it again. Fuck Trump, he has tiny hands and I’m pretty sure he did those crimes he has been to going to court over. Also the DMV sucks and inflation is bad.

    I could get into more important things the CCP is responsible for like the genocide but you probably think those are lies or want to get into whataboutisms.

  • The rabbits thing happened a long time ago. Some rich dude got like a dozen and set them loose on his property so he could hunt them. They multiplied like rabbits tend to and spread.

    I would have thought they’d be some good grub for predators down there but I guess not enough to keep their population in check. The government actually tried using biological warfare on the rabbits without success.