Dunno. Dropping friends due to politics seems totally cringe. Civilized people should have the option of “let’s not talk about politics” instead of breaking up relationships.
Dunno. Dropping friends due to politics seems totally cringe. Civilized people should have the option of “let’s not talk about politics” instead of breaking up relationships.
There is no practical alternative to this
An alternative would be to stop trying to overthrow some classes and touch grass
Soviet Union bureaucracy was not the proletariat, they didn’t use the mop to produce commodities, so they didn’t have proletarian class consciousness. Whatever interests they had, it was not working class interests. Lenin, Trotsky and Sverdlov were one nobleman and two petty bourgeoisie.
The State is the only path to a stateless society
This is demonstrably false as first there were stateless societies and then states appeared. If anything, stateless society is a path to the State.
“More fairly” means “more in a way that the said government sees fit”
Depends on the definition
Why did you drop them?
Like, did you meet a person who unironically blames satan for everything bad that’s happening to them?
Rule of law is about having a culture of respect for law as a legitimate product of democratic institutions
Law is a product of the government beating the shit out of people who break its rules. Since there’s no world government, international law doesn’t really exist.
What type of anarchism?
Socialism is the complete opposite of that. Socialism destroys horizontal connections and institution of family.
Maybe that’s why Lisa is spreading socialist propaganda. Bc her family directly benefits from it
What’s so bad about the laundry if you have a washing machine?
I’d say it’s post irony
Unfortunately, socialism discourages and eventually kills off broism.
Well, if it can’t be monetized, then you probably suck at whatever you’re doing, so it’s not that big of a loss. Hope that makes you feel better.
Is international law important or not?
The next election is the mechanism that makes them fulfill the promises they’ve made during their campaign
Why are you saying this? Who’s the target audience of this bs? What makes you say that if it’s demonstrably false? Elected politicians don’t keep their promises, they just don’t.
If your politicians aren’t afraid of losing the next election
Is Trump scared to loose the next election?
what is wrong with me hiring someone to hire more people?
It’s perfectly fine, but unrelated to the question at hand. You don’t hire politicians.
What is your counterargument other than “no”?
“No” is actually a stronger argument than yours bc you’re making a positive statement here and the burden of proof is on you.
You can’t own people, you never did, what are you trying to ask here?
I dunno. I guess your initial analogy was shit that explained nothing. Don’t use analogies then.
I live in a post soviet country so I experience the impact of socialism to this very day. It’s appalling.