Steel tanks, that’s why the sacrificial anode is there so the water eats it away instead of the tank.
Steel tanks, that’s why the sacrificial anode is there so the water eats it away instead of the tank.
The sacrificial anode is there to protect the steel tank. It lasts a long time. This is a hard water problem as everyone else is saying, and a water softener would solve the issue.
*Edit: check the very bottom of your tank since you have the elements out. It most likely has a pile of calcium and other minerals sitting on the bottom.
-a plumber
If you’ve only tried wine from like 10+ years ago like I have, I’d suggest giving it another try now. Running windows software on Linux has been better than ever with Wine/Proton/Bottles
screenshot worthy game
posts this garbage
Yeah great job I guess
It’s an apple device; I’m surprised it didn’t take them longer.
Ted Cruzhev
Hey another Kubuntu user! Seems like a very overlooked distro, imo
Not even mentioning the severe lasting impact it had on generations to come. There are still many who are battling birth defects due to the toxins that remained after the napalm attacks.
Go be a clown elsewhere, cunt
I guess that’s why none of us are generals or anything
Honestly you started with a bad faith argument, then got upset when others did the same.
I haven’t been this hyped about a game coming out since Borderlands 2 was announced. Really hoping it lives up to it; I’ve been on a GAMMA binge recently and really am just hoping it comes close to the same vibe but now on UE5
It’s on the same page where you get the normal NewPipe apk now; it used to be on GitHub
So this caused me to go digging as I’ve run into the same issue. Make sure it’s up to date first obviously, and if it still refuses to function, their page has fixes which ended working for me:
*Edit: also give it the option to switch to invidious API if the default fails; for a slightly more seamless experience
+1 for NewPipe
There’s a fork with built in sponsorblock as well
no one nose :)