Same here. Steam says 200 hours. Which is a lot for me. The next closest is NMS at 50 hours.
My play time is also higher because I have played many hours offline and then reset my computer so it didn’t track that time.
It’s such a ridiculously addictive game. I regret nothing.
Ok telekinesis would be cool.
But I’m going with 2 and 6.
2 because my short term and long term memory is really bad (compared to most other people), which is makes college and work extremely difficult. Also, it’d be nice to remember my anniversary. So a cute would be awesome even if it comes with some downsides. I’m pretty good about accepting things and not getting thing up on stuff.
6 is great because it can be similar to perfect health. I think that can be interpreted two ways, immortalality or perfect health RIGHT NOW. I don’t really want to live forever. That only seems to have downsides. so I’d rather an extra 8 hours in my day where I can devote some of that to working out and eating healthier. I do that now, but I’m too busy to be as consistent as I’d like.