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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • From my experience with people that are very pro Android vs the pro iOS crowd, it’s just that they’re trying to justify their own choice by uplifting the OS they chose and sometimes tend to focus only on the negatives of the other OS. The same can be said for the various desktop OS crowds.

    I’ve used both Android and iOS, as well as Windows and MacOS (and intend to try Linux at some point) over the years and I never thought one was generally better than the other. All these OSs have different target users and that’s ok. Just because you’re not the target user for OS A, doesn’t mean that OS B is objectively the best OS for everyone. It’s just the best OS for you. And why people feel the need to bash other people’s choices or even make fun of them for it is beyond me.

  • The OS wars have always bugged me a little. On one hand you have iOS users acting all high and mighty and considering anything other than iPhone less, on the other there’s some snobby Android users that seem to think everyone that uses an iPhone is an idiot. Guess we can’t help but engage in us-vs-them thinking sometimes. Excluding people based on the tech they use makes absolutely zero sense to me though.

    I’ve used both iOS/MacOS and Android/Windows over the years and I can’t really say that one is inherently better than the other. Each platform excels in a different use case however and has different USPs.

    Anywho, just my two cents. Cheers!

  • I had never even heard about the Boston Bombings till now (or I don’t remember it, not an American), but damn, that whole situation got all kinds of messed up. I can understand wanting the perpetrators being brought to justice, but slandering random people who bear a minor resemblance to a suspect makes no sense to me.

    Out of curiosity, how should the admins have reacted the witch-hunts in your opinion? I’ve never really used the old frontpage or r/popular so I’m not very familiar with how their usage would be affected tbh.