can be found here
Nice showerthought.
also the artform of showing you’re the smartest person in the room while maintaining an energy of likeable humility. :)
word #2: supercalifragilisticexpialadocious
I thought this right before I tried to play the really old pokemons again. And very quickly went back to new pokemons.
wow i wish I was exploited as a child when making fun things in games too! i remember making maps in wc3 in elementary school and not getting any money at all for all those hours making fun things.
Time to introduce ADHD mode, where the program can’t decide and repeatedly switches back and forth between light and dark.
i do an equal amount of lefting as writing
nice showerthought
Tho they are different things I think. When the person here says a less racist country would have more of a problem with spies or I say there would be less crime with a religion sacrificing prisoners to a death god, that doesn’t mean we are supporters of those things; it means we had a thought unusual enough to share that makes sense in some way. We could want the opposite of what we are talking about. unpopularopinions implies someone has a minority stance.