• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Statistically 2.1 births/woman is required to replace the current population.

    As for the economic argument, your friend is somewhat correct, except that economies don’t just grow or shrink based on population (it is a major driver). There are too many factors at play to make such a statement.

    The finite earth argument is interesting, whilst we are the biggest danger to the biosphere in the short run, we are also the biggest hope. In the long run the biosphere will sort itself out after we are out of the picture.
    Taking this argument a little further, we may be the only hope for an intelligent civilisation from this planet. We have taken all of the easy energy resources; which take millions of years to regenerate; so any intelligent civilisation that follows after us will not have the luxury of cheap abundant energy.
    So we either sort our shit out, become space faring, and move on with the next phase of the human experiment, or the likelihood of intelligence leaving earth is quite low.

    We could, reduce ourselves content to “save” the earth and exist here in perpetuity, but I don’t really see that happening. There will always be those that dream and strive, if humans still exist in 10,000 years they will be spacefaring.

  • Whatever you do, don’t talk to the kid if you are not in the room. Two way monitor is a bug not a feature.

    Made that mistake once, kid was crying I thought it would be comforting to hear me… Nope, disembodied voice freaked the fuck out of the poor little dude.

    The extra 30-40s of crying while I walk up stairs is way better than the hour of hugs to get him back to sleep.