• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I like the term “extermination” which the ICC’s chief prosecutor used in his charging document against Bibi.

    Genocide requires intent. There is at least the possibility that Israel is merely showing careless disregard and willful ignorance towards Palestinian lifes. That doesn’t make a practical difference, of course. The fact that Israel is maybe? not as racist as they could be, doesn’t help all the dead or starving civilians.

    That’s why I like the term extermination. It’s precise but doesn’t require intent. It doesn’t imply that Israels interest in defeating Hamas is merely a smokescreen (for the record: I don’t think Hamas can be defeated militarily, but I understand the interest).

    And it does all that without being a euphemism.

    Edit: a previous version of this contained a Freudian slip where I confused the names of Biden and Netanjau.

  • And that’s totally fine. You do you. But

    1. Why do those who like cities have to live in a car-centric hellscape
    2. More people on bikes makes cities more bareble even for people who for some reason like driving because more bikes = less traffic jams and less noise
    3. Why does biking automatically mean big city. Small cities are in theory even better for that since they tend to be more compact. Stuff is less spread out even if the relative density is lower.

  • And Libreelec provides preconfigured images for the pi. You still need to jump through some hoops to get streaming services running (html5 encrypted media extensions and all that) but it streamlines the process of getting started with kodi a lot.

    Another project to keep an eye on is plasma big screen. It’s not quite there yet, but it will eventually provide a more familiar smarttv experience. (Currently it’s missing a lot of apps, that kodi has)