Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • I just bought an external cd/dvd drive so I can convert my DVD library into a digital one for convenience and to preserve the dvds longer.

    I’m having some issues with the speed of conversion, but my biggest problem is quickly becoming storage space.

    Also, I dug up some of my old games like Caesar III and installed a no-CD “patch”.

    Good times.

    There’s an adapter or replacement for everything

  • I once got kicked out of Sunday school for explaining everything after the big bang as our best scientific estimates tell us, at least from an astronomical, geological, and biological point of view.

    EDITORS NOTE: I kind of went on a rambling rant-anecdote here. Feel free to skip.

    Like how stars form, galaxies, how supernovae made everything possible, how a planet forms, how biology can be kick started from non living things over a super long stretch of time (possibly many times over with few or one actually making it to even single celled organisms) and how evolution does NOT say we came from monkeys any more than I say you came from your cousin (your mileage may vary in Alabama and Georgia(both))

    The Sunday school person let me continue until I finished and then she laughed and said “isn’t that funny everyone?” and all the kids laughed at me.

    Jokes on her, her 3 children are all PHDs who don’t talk to their parents anymore after “embracing a life of sin”. Which I count as a win for her children.

    My mother had to come get me and I wasn’t allowed to return for a few weeks because some kids went and told their parents who got all butt hurt.

    While my parents were way more religious then (still are, just not as much) they never once tried to punish me, tell me I was wrong, or even told me not to say things like that in church. And they weren’t shy about telling me when I was wrong or being a little shit.

  • I’m sorry for all the dolly fans out there, but I have a confession… I don’t care for her music.

    But I will defend this woman simply because her charity work alone makes her deserving of much more.

    And I know I don’t even know half of what she does.

    So if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go sharpen up my torches and light my pitchforks, because ain’t nobody dissing dolly Parton around me.

  • If you do design another one, here’s an interesting technique I saw on a random YouTube video:

    Make an enclosure that fits together so that the walls have a cavity between them you can fill with a combination of plaster of Paris and pvc glue.

    This, combined with separate chambers for tweeters/woofers/subs/etc and a little thought for how the sound exits the enclosure, and you’ve got a top tier miniature sound system for a fraction of the cost. Although it will be a little bulkier, a little heavier, and takes more time to design, if you want to take another step up from what looks to me like a pretty good first one. Honestly given the 3d printed enclosure I expected all kinds of distortions and noise, but you clearly did quite well. So please don’t for a second think I’m trying to say “uhh this way is better” it’s just a different way, and one that could be better or worse for many many reasons.