Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII

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Joined 21 days ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024

  • Sovcit yet again misunderstands basic economics.

    A vast oversimplification, but currencies hold value because of a combination of being backed up by material assets, and widespread trust in the backer of those assets.

    If your currency is neither backed by something of value, nor trusted by literally anybody, then your currency holds no value - end of story.

    If anybody could just write note on a random piece of paper that said it was worth $10 million and cash it at the bank, don’t they think somebody high-profile would’ve done just that by now?

  • I agree on them being safe - when rules are properly adhered to, they’re extremely safe, similarly to air travel. People only suspect their safety because when they do fail, they tend to fail spectacularly, again similar to air travel.

    Having said that, they may be efficient to operate, but they are by no means efficient to build. They cost a lot of resources, and have a 10 year lead time - plus you need to worry about the cost of waste storage and decommissioning.

    So sure, nuclear is better than fossil fuels, but you’re just kicking the nonrenewable can down the road.

    That time and resources would be far better spent on renewables, because that where humanity is gonna have to go long-term no matter how well any other alternatives work.

  • Exactly!

    Applicants are expected to dedicated hours of their time to writing their application and performing background research - both of which are becoming increasingly more tedious over time - so the least a company could bloody do is show some basic respect by paying an actual human being to come interview you!

  • The TL;DR for the article is that the headline isn’t exactly true. At this moment in time their PPU can potentially double a CPU’s performance - the 100x claim comes with the caveat of “further software optimisation”.

    Tbh, I’m sceptical of the caveat. It feels like me telling someone I can only draw a stickman right now, but I could paint the Mona Lisa with some training.

    Of course that could happen, but it’s not very likely to - so I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Having said that they’re not wrong about CPU bottlenecks and the slowed rate of CPU performance improvements - so a doubling of performance would be huge in this current market.