In a closed time, Unmistakably wandering, Still I walk on, Forever and ever, Not to disappear
That would probably be best. Dude could grow the most dank shit, after all, the sun is best.
Lol, take this how you will, but I bet Bigfoot would be more competent at building bombs.
deleted by creator
At this point Bigfoot will be the next unabomber.
This will surely fix the alarmingly low birth rates we’re currently seeing 🤣
🤣 this is peak dystopian future. Man, were so fucked huh?
Of course they are, they’re cultists. The Elon boot licker and MAGA Venn diagram is a circle.
I can justify a one time purchase, but never recurring payments.
Subscriptions are a non-starter for me
Weird, when Japan does it everyone praises them. I guess us western societies are just too trashy to clean up after ourselves.
Interesting, well my evaluation is that it’s worthless, not priceless, worthless. You’d never catch me dead on that shit stain of a platform.
Apparently you can get Narcan from weed shops too. My father told me he scored some for free when he went a few days ago. I don’t know why he got it, because he doesn’t use opioids, but I guess it’s good to have on hand in case someone else needs it.
I like the cut of your jib!
And I’ve been boycotting Goya ever since.
😂 what a waste. I doubt this even moves the needle on public perception. Rednecks aren’t buying these things only well off urban Republicans. I can’t think many leftists give a shit about these things. They may be fast, but they have no class.
I’m just glad I quit coffee a year ago. I’ve known for a long time that coffee prices have been held artificially low and could explode at any moment.