Because you keep parroting the same argument in the face of direct contradictions.
Are you a chatbot?
Incorrect premise. A pager is an ordinary consumer electronic device that can and did find its way into innocent hands.
Similar to a lot of other highly effective attacks, its also a war crime ☹️
Nobody votes for cabinet members. Why is it useful to say so?
14 miles?
This kid was on a hardcore camping hike
All hail Earth Emperor Musk
The unbelievable part is that THEY would bother using actual flying drones to manufacture an emergency. Deepfake videos and bot armies to spread them are too easy.
For Passover
You are lucky if they can provide a PD who reads at a 6th grade level
Why doesnt everyone switch from Windows???
Love that 30 day warranty
Obvious troll is obvious
Google trends shows that a search for “did Joe Biden drop out?” Spiked on election day.
Yes he did, months ago. American dont even know who they are voting for.
Your mom is a funicular railway
TIL ice boxes were often called refrigerators long before electric refrigerators were common
Same argument about wasting 44 billion to buy twitter.
A useless website exchanged hands.
Someone still has the money, why dont they spend it on the poor?
Besides the obvious