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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Central Virginia reason, so Hurricane Isabel, I think we lost power for like a week had a bunch of trees down. Hurricane Gaston, wasn’t as severe I don’t remember a lot of wind or power going out but it just dumped a ton of rain on the region b/c like it just move so slowly over the region. And then I just remember a hand full of snow storms that closed school for awhile, and I think like a really bad ice storm where we lost power for like a week or two. But Isabel by far the worst.

  • It’s happening to me this year and I feel it. I’m going to be an old fart that I said I never wanted to be. Wish I owned a lawn to yell at kids to get off of, guess I’ll just have to settle with being grumpy in the hallway of my rental whenever I cross paths with another human.

  • Honestly why won’t he leave the EU is simple. He gets money from the eu for projects that he can give to his cronies gets a kick backs from them to line his pocket. All while being able to use the EU as a scapegoat in Hungary when people don’t see improvement in their quality of life. Orbán can point at eu regulation and say, “look this is why your life isn’t improving” to the Hungarian people all while not actually doing much on his own to improve their lives. Orbán just wants to continue to hold his position and make money. He’ll shit on the eu all day long because it plays well with the majority of Hungarians all while getting a pay day. The eu does try to hold him to task from time to time but it really isn’t that effective. He’s rigged the game in his favor in Hungary so I don’t see change coming to Hungary anytime soon.