If the Nazis have grabbed your citizens, please take them back. Leaving them in the hands of Nazis is a cruelty of its own.
If the Nazis have grabbed your citizens, please take them back. Leaving them in the hands of Nazis is a cruelty of its own.
Huh? What are you talking about? That’s not a statement trusting Trump. The headline implies the flights were rejected. They weren’t. Drink more coffee dude. It’s Trump’s propaganda that they were rejected.
I mean… he didn’t ban the flights in the first place. He just declared he would not accept his countrymen being treated poorly on return. I think the objection was packing them all in military planes instead of normal commercial flights your average person travels. It had more to do with mistreatment of their citizens in the process of repatriation, which is valid.
Next time there’s an oil spill it’ll be a “Gulf of Mexico” instead of “Gulf of America” problem I bet.😆
You know what… that math checks out. Approved!
Oh then read the Wikipedia page you referenced. It actually gives examples supporting my statement.
And once again, I am not saying it isn’t racist today or that people weren’t racist back then or that the word is OK today or any of the other weird things people keep acting like I said.
I lost my patience with people being willfully ignorant a while ago. I just thought it was an interesting moment in time to see how language evolved. Not terribly dissimilar to many other terms people used to use that later morphed into slurs.
I’m not either. But there’s a difference between isn’t and wasn’t. But again, you don’t care. I’m still not defending racism or racists or racists using the term as a slur later. Ive been super clear. I was just providing historical context.
“at the world’s inception” should have clued you in on the jest…
I just disagree. We are equally dense at worst. I’ve already expressed people were racist and had slurs that they used. Im not ignoring that or unaware of it or trying to gloss over that. This just wasn’t one of them for a long stretch of time.
You won’t believe it because you just don’t believe it. That’s you being dense. You refuse to accept the reality I’ve witnessed. Terms weren’t used with equal intent globally throughout history. How a term was used in Caldwell Idaho in 1930 is not how it was used in Pennsylvania at the same time, despite them both being America and the people involved all being American.
I think anywhere we still use butter is still great. It’s where we replaced it with the “various hydrogenated oils of mysterious origin” that we lost our way. Once we could no longer believe it wasn’t butter, we lost the plot.
Naw, it was most commonly used as a term similar to “that chinese guy” which is easy to confuse with racism at a time period where people were generally racist towards the chinese, but the term itself is not racist. There were actual slurs back then they could use if they were about that.
My Grandmother said they always bought they’re vegetables growing up from the chinaman who rolled his cart through the alleyway behind their homes. It’s not a term of hate, but it’s easy to say hateful things alongside it.
How someone thinks of America and not France when thinking of butter is beyond me. I just assume they’re unfamiliar with their respective culinary achievments.
Literally never heard of them. With all the random bullshit companies dumping crap into the market, if you don’t have good name recognition these days, it’s just assumed you are some random Chinese product clone with dubious quality.
This is fine when I purchased my knockoff Dyson vacuum that still works great, but I wouldn’t trust all my data to a company I dont recognize.
There are as many houses as people want but not all the the quality or location they want. Manufactured homes can be dropped on lots for a fraction of the price. People live in the central valley and commute so they can have a home for much less. The world will never have everything everyone wants the way they want it. Thats not this world.
If them buying it denied other legitimate buyers with the same purchasing power from doing so, then yes. A home is too unique a purchase to be scalped though. It’s like art in that the house is the only 1 one available exactly like it. The same exact house built on a corner or further in on the block have different values.
2 pairs of the exact same sneaker treated the same from the same production run are practically identical. Market manipulation through scalping is the only method to raise it’s price at the time of market sale.
Tickets have a limited duration they hold ANY value so their prices can be manipulated through scalping too.
Houses just shouldn’t be in the same conversation.
A home is 1 form of shelter. The luxury form. Much in the way a Ferrari is a form of transport vs a bike. The meme doesn’t show shelter in the context of a basic right. It’s showing a luxury good among other luxury goods.
Well, if they are flown there, take them no matter the circumstances. What else could I have possibly meant by that?
If they’re your citizens and they’ve been nabbed off the street in a hostile foreign country (USA) don’t make them suffer for your principles and let them end up in some camp or holding cell, because that’s what these nuts are gonna do. They 100% will be abused if they get rejected back out of Columbia, because that’s a clear sign no one cares about their well being.