His spaghetti sauce is obviously fire.
His spaghetti sauce is obviously fire.
They still think that. They are happy, just not on the inside
I forgot where that was from. Thanks!
Farming subsidies have little to do with the food a nation needs, and everything to do with elections. Countries where farmer’s votes don’t swing elections, don’t have farming subsidies
I’m in Canada so left on silver parachute due to mass layoff laws. The issue in most places isn’t the abrupt notice, it’s the shitty labor laws.
I agree a no-reply email isn’t the way to go, but we shouldn’t be surprised.
A special golf operation… there’s no reason americans should have to think of mexico when playing golf
I was part of the first big wave and they hard warned us maybe potentially there might perhaps be restructing and “resizing”. We agonized for months waiting to know if it was our teams or no, if we had to look (this was before Unity nosedived and buddy quit).
I would have preferred it be abrupt I think
Everyone agrees youre just making stuff up at this point.
fuckup this well established term
dude just Google “flagship meaning”
the best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organization.
Theres a company called The minimal company, their best and most important product is a small “minimal phone”. That’s their flagship phone. It’s not hard to understand
Dunno either it was just a joke, we all have duo to do!
Minimal company’s flagship phone is the minimal phone
Each fleet has its flagship, all companies have flagships. Yes the best phone of each company is their flagship. Flagship phones isn’t limited to some arbitrary sized companies.
Terms have specific uses, let’s not dilute them to make ourselves feel better. Language IS fluid, but when people are obstinate to already preestablished conventions
Ok there why didn’t you bother opening a dictionary or googling it.
the ship in a fleet which carries the commanding admiral.
the best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organization.
He’s just saying most phones companies (of all sizes) are making are big phones. Get over yourself
This makes no sense. Large doesn’t mean fancy. Back in the day, making the phone smaller was fancy.
The minimal company’s flagship phone is a minimal phone. It’s their signature phone. The flagship was the ship that had the ranking officer/admiral on it, representing the fleet. Apple, google etc all decided their flagship phone would be huge.
OP wants more flagship phones, that is the type of phone the company markets as its main phone, to be smaller. It has little to do with the best but how phones are used. So tell him “tough luck because most people use their phones as a TV so they will remain big”. It’s not because that’s a better phone.
You have some duolingo to finish up buddy
A bad person can create a good product sure, doesn’t mean we need to support it.
Same reason suckerberg went full elon. It’s the gold rush of corporate greed with a conman at the helm
La laveuse