There’s only one true king in America…his greatest hits album is available on Apple Music…
There’s only one true king in America…his greatest hits album is available on Apple Music…
Meanwhile in America we’re trying to make macdonalds cheaper by bundling an extra sandwich to go along with a value meal…
Maybe not for USAid; but it makes me very concerned that Elon Musk might have information about intelligence operations overseas, and he could literally spoil operation and put other people at risk … it just grinds my gears that he has so much government information and he hasn’t even gone through a confirmation hearing of any sort. 
This was a popular thing when I was young, and yes there was a debate over what state laws/federal laws wanted, but Kansas has a very interesting history - were runaway slaves left Missouri and headed into Lawrence and people of Missouri took the law into their own hands to hunt down fugitive- runaway slaves, sometimes because they just wanted the bounty or the reward.
In one incident, the sheriff from a city in Missouri was shot at and as a response people from Missouri Road into Lawrence and burnt down most of the big buildings and killed a couple of people and stole several horses. This was known as the border war and it occurred far before 1861. It was all about racism, hatred, and money, and it had absolutely nothing to do with state rights 
I would just show the kids a picture of the flag in the book and if they don’t understand why some Americans are objecting to the flying of a Nazi flag. Maybe they should read the damn book. 
Not alot of Jazz music though…as the NBA team would suggest
That’s what I’m saying man. I’m sick of Russia and their interference. I hope someone fights back against Russia/Putin cause it’s clear that our President won’t.
I was in the army for 10 years and can tell you that on an average unit about 50 to 60% of those guys don’t agree with the president’s policy or the plan of action. But they’re there because they assumed that the person elected to be president would have the countries best interest at heart. That assumption has not really worked out.
So yeah, you can say that soldiers and marines getting killed in action will get what they deserve but to me I think we need to take a moment and hold our leaders accountable first. And as far as I’m concerned all the crooked shit Donald Trump is done the punishment. His face is being kicked off Twitter for a couple of months. 
Long story short, when people are hungry and broke and without a place to live, they become desperate, but then when you do something that really makes them angry. They stop being desperate and they start becoming violent. Not just people in the Middle East mind you I’m talking all people from British colonists to French students yelling about revolution all the way down to Germans, who survived the World War I only to see part of their country, giving away the treaty of Versailles. 
 Donald Trump‘s plan is just asking for further acts of terrorism against America and our interest overseas
I feel sorry for any service member who is killed because Donald Trump wants to build another hotel that will inevitably go bankrupt 
Its just not wirth it to work anymore. I can make more money by faking a disability and filing for social security benefits and stay home all day. /joking
Trump about to become the next victim of British Intelligence …