“Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.”
For sure. 70s sci-fi art is pretty bitchin, too.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Bigfoot might share some anti-tech views but I’d like to think he would recognize the futility of trying to blow up the system and focus instead on cultivating top shelf weed deep in the forest. Stay off the grid and tune into the trees.
Keeps a copy of “Industrial Society and Its Future” under his moss pillow.
Check out Against Civilization it argues we’ve just industrialized our self-destruction
If the Department of Education goes away, rich states can still spend lots of money on schools, but poor states might not have enough. That means some kids get great teachers, new books, and nice schools, while others don’t. The government helps make sure all kids have a fair chance, no matter where they live. Without it, some schools might get worse, and some kids might not get the help they need to learn.
The things you own end up owning you.
I too, eat lentils.
Oh… just the VP, SECDEF, DNI, CIA, NSA, DoS, etc. exchanging messages on a civilian app regarding an upcoming military strike while also having accidentally added a civilian reporter…