• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • It is, but presumably phrasing it as a question increases engagement (or was thought to) hence furthers the OP’s goal, in spite of the factual nature.

    i.e. the same reason that Trump was allowed to walk all over the “moderators” at the recent Presidential advertisement “debate”.

    You know, “journalism” as it seems to always be practiced these days. As in, chase the profits to the exclusion of all other considerations.

    Hrm, I wonder if my time spent on social media has made me more hostile to such predatory practices overall…

  • Possibly, but that is why I put that last paragraph stating that I had never heard of that community before. At a quick glance, it seems to be number 13 in the rankings of communities that have the word “news” contained within them, by subscriber number, and with 2.18k subscribers is <10-fold smaller than World [email protected] with 37.1k subscribers.

    So perhaps that entire community needs promotion, here in this community or elsewhere? Since I was not subscribed to it, I suspect that my All feed was de-emphasizing it, or perhaps not explicitly but indirectly it would preferentially emphasize posts that are somewhat popular elsewhere, so with <10-fold subscribers that community was simply not making its way to me organically terribly often, or at least was not back when I last went on a rampage hunting for things to subscribe to.

    I have cleaned up my feed significantly by blocking several even non-political communities from Lemmy.ml (e.g. memes and comics and such, b/c despite their rules they kept putting in politics into every single thing), before I blocked that instance entirely. I have no desire to beat that dead horse here, just pointing out that at one point those communities also dominated my feed but now that they do not I am starting to see more content that I am more interested in, such as this.

    But good point - at this juncture the interesting discussion about this topic seems to be here:-). I had expected (hoped?) to see more lively discussion in the post itself, especially if it were promoted more, but that does not seem to be happening.

    Edit: also, I do not recall having heard of the first of those other two communities either. But I cross-posted there, and will delete from here as you pointing out that it does not match the scope here.

  • Upvoting for the lolz, but also allow me (if you will) to whole-heartedly disagree: the way to deal with a problem is to first acknowledge that it is happening, and obtain a proper diagnosis; plus more to the point I was impressed with the lack of click-baityness that this particular one had, which seems exceedingly rare these days.

    Every time I get to where I wonder if I should decide to not click on articles anymore, b/c 99.99% of them leave a profound sense of disappointment in their wake of being an absolute waste of my time, I come across such a rare specimen that makes me wish that we had a community dedicated to like “real news only - not alternative or ‘enhanced’ or empty fluff that wants your click regardless” that restores my faith that there is solid content out there, if only we manage to find it.

    Worse, even the old metrics to filter them no longer seem to work - e.g. The Guardian has routinely broken my trust lately, but more complex than simply all one way or the other yay or nay, it started with the titles being shit but the content was fine, now more often I see that the first few paragraphs are shit but later it eventually finds a point to it, and lately I am also starting to see articles where the entire thing is crap (iirc?).

    So I decided to be the change that I wanted to see in the world, and at least promote this one more heavily. :-) That way people that have sworn off traditional news sources can know that this one exists, in case they are interested. I wish an entire community of people could share the load of doing that work, but it seems too much effort and other people have different ideas of what the upvote button is for - e.g. reading just the title but not the article? - so I understand that it will not happen, but I wanted to at least share just this one:-).

    Also, I mean no slight against the other articles in that community or its moderation practices - I did not even know about it until today, and only happened to stumble across this article in All b/c I was not subscribed to it. But e.g. [email protected] I have unsubscribed to b/c many of those articles seem worthless to me (example), and I have even started to block some of the posters who contribute nothing but those types of posts. The Fediverse requires such heavy curation to become usable, but I can’t control it all, so I at least attempt to control myself, and be that change that I would like to see happen.:-)