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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I remember that for the doc. I think part of the reason they don’t want to accept the truth is because the community and friends they made along the way in believing this bat shit crazy stuff. Someone should make a post flat earthers group. Shit add Scientology and any other crazy cult type behavior.

    My theory is we are very easily susceptible to friendly groups that accept us because we want that community. That idea that we have a lack of a “3rd place” after work and home creates a desire to connect on a different level. The details of believing the earth is flat, Trump is the second coming, or the anti-vaxers don’t matter as much to some people as being around others and being accepted.

  • You only make this mistake once, hopefully. The first night I moved into my new place, many years ago was a bad night. My stuff didn’t show up yet. It was getting delivered in a few days. I didn’t even take a big dump. It just clogged up. I had to get an emergency plunger and since that move I make sure there is one close by during moves.

  • I’m not adding anything new, but I wanted to agree with others saying playing in bursts is fine. I would suggest at least 1 hour, if not more. If you don’t have an hour just wait till you do. I played it in burst, but there is so much to read that a shorter amount of time won’t do it justice.

    Definitely worth playing. Multiple times too. I played my first go one way and now I’m playing a completely different Tequila Sunrise.

  • Addition to what others have stated. He is in trouble for more than just one woman. There are many claiming, but Cassie was the first (I think) that accused him and got paid to not say anything. That made his civil suit with her go away, but the feds built up a case and busted on human trafficking amongst other things. His old employee has a bunch of recordings of illegal stuff.