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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023


  • Right, having trouble following the logic here. When referring to the constitution, people can (and do) refer to it in it’s original state.

    If you Google constitution you find the original document including photos. I could understand why someone would possibly expect all amendments. But the thing does also list “bill of rights” and for the average American that would purchase such a thing it’s more than enough. I’m sure we’ll see these on auction in 20 or 30 years.

    What I really don’t get is the anger this conversation has drawn, the title of the article tries to imply that not including all the amendments is an intentional act of sexism & racism. As if trump is hand selecting it all. We don’t need a money grab bible to tell us he’s sexist & racist.

  • Yah, props for mentioning, all to often it’s a question that goes unanswered in these discussions. I completely agree the pros outweigh the cons and it’s better to eradicate some of these diseases. I fear that a big reason some who choose to not vaccinate do so is because of the lack of transparency about vaccine injury. They have a family member or close acquaintance that experienced it firsthand and the public discussion around it is often toxic to the point it feels conspiratorial with people only pointing to the Wakefield study (which was garbage so doesn’t help either side). Researching it without a great understanding of it can return a lot of confirmation bias too.

  • A few more people would probably use bikes, but I don’t see how this solves the issue, no matter how good the cycling infrastructure we won’t see cars and gas stations just disappear. I suspect I don’t see the goals as you intend them, but I don’t see people dropping there kids off at school on bikes or biking to and from a restaurant to eat a steak dinner, not to mention city services and transportation. If your target is really emissions I’d suspect that electric cars and limiting private jets would make more progress.